Successful People are Happy

My number one tip to business owners and sales and marketing professionals that are trying to grow their business and have a life is this – Successful People are Happy!  It seems obvious that successful people are happy because they enjoy the money, free time, and flexibility that comes with that success.  However, the real […]

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Indiana's Got Me – w/exceptional Marketing and Service

The song says "Indiana Wants Me…" but in my case, they’ve already got me – actually my daughter.  I’m talking about Indiana University in Bloomington, IN.  My daughter will be attending their Kelley School of Business this fall as a freshman.  Besides being one of the top-ranked business programs nationwide, IU as an institution did […]

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Relationship Selling – Plant the Right Seeds!

How often do you tell your colleagues what they do well?  This is probably one of their unique qualities that makes the relationship valuable.  When you recognize their unique contributions to your business relationship, you validate, reinforce, and most importantly, value what they bring to the relationship. I recently had a client thank me for […]

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The True Nature of Mastery

Last week I was watching Jay Leno on the Tonight Show.  Normally, I just watch the monologue.  For one thing, it’s always nice to end the day with a few good laughs.  Though, as a professional speaker, I also enjoy watching to learn how a master like Jay presents and responds to the audience. On […]

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Is Done Better Than Perfect? – You Decide

A friend of mine is well-known in our industry for saying that ‘done is better than perfect.’  He recognizes that there are perfectionists out there — moi?!!  – that get so caught up in doing things right that they don’t get things done at all.  Regardless, I still applaud Starbucks recent ads, no doubt inspired […]

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Green Industry Selling the Right Way

Today I gave a presentation to a group of down-to-earth green industry professionals at the Illinois Landscape Contractors Association Winter Seminar.  It’s always fun to help people grow their business, but it was an especially enjoyable day for me because it was an ILCA event just like this one nearly 20 years ago where my […]

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I Hear You AT&T, and I Like It!

AT&T recently announced their 4th quarter earnings are up 62%.  I’m not surprised because my recent experience with them was quite favorable.  I’m impressed with the new AT&T.  They’ve shown me they care! Best of all, AT&T seems to understand that customers do indeed take into account the OVERALL experience of working with a company.  […]

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Get Real Sales by Blogging

I’m a sales and marketing expert, though my expertise in two specific areas seem to be merging to create a unique niche.  For nearly fifteen years I have worked with the Chopra Center for Well Being, becoming a Certified Meditation Instructor as a result of my incredible experience.  Lately, I’m teaching more as interest in […]

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Selling The Right Way is Transparent

Yesterday I gave my Selling the Right Way! presentation at the annual Green Industry Conference sponsored by the Professional Landcare Network (PLANET).  The audience was more than receptive – they get it! We really had a great time.   We learned that selling today has to be very transparent.  Why?  Because we are living in a […]

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Blindfolded Cliff Diver Service – It Hurts!

I’ve heard it said that great customer service is sometimes invisible – you don’t even notice it.  While this is occasionally true, it’s not always the case.  For example, why do you go to your favorite restaurant?  It’s probably because you like it.  Duh?  Well, why do you like it so well?  You know what […]

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