Memorable Marketing Content is Original, Fresh, and Personal

The practice of repurposing marketing content across multiple channels seems to be not only acceptable, but one that many online marketers encourage. Is repurposing marketing content really a good idea on a web that is rewarding original work?  Google Authorship in particular, as well as the periodic freshness updates by the search engine giant, all […]

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Benchmarks for Doing Social Media Well

There are as many ways to benchmark social media as there are companies using it, because social is a human quality that will be unique to each and every business. Today I overheard the comment; “They are doing social media well.” How do you know you are doing social media well? All media is designed […]

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The One Right Thing Practice

What one thing if you did it consistently will have a major impact on your business this year? The challenge is simple:  Focus on what matters most and do it with unwavering consistency. This may seem like one challenge – but there are two essential components to it. #1 – Doing What’s Right Our society […]

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Built In Social Business Expectations

What would you think if you visited your favorite store and they were closed? Over time customers develop expectations, and one of them is that your business is open, ready, and willing to serve. If you operate a small business you understand this. You open and close on time, and follow a number of other […]

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Social Marketing is a Process

Social media marketing, now simply known as social marketing by many, is a strategic process that is designed to create a buzz that ultimately leads to profitable sales. The earliest modern marketers understood this – “Sell the sizzle, not the steak” was one popular catchphrase. Charles Revson was one of the masters of modern marketing. […]

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Are Competitors Your New Business Partners?

One of the trends in business today is reframing your perspective to open more doors and maximize your growth opportunities. In that regard, consider who knows nearly as much about your business as you do? And who knows as much (or more) about your industry and markets as you do? You can identify these organizations […]

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