3 Hyperlocal Marketing Success Factors

While they may not be familiar with the term hyperlocal marketing, successful local businesses have learned it is essential to their continued prosperity.

Hyperlocal suggests serving a narrowly defined niche – one that is largely defined by proximity.

However, location is just one piece of the hyperlocal marketing puzzle.

This weekend I worked with local retailers from across the United States – many from small communities that do not appear on most maps.

Yet, despite the current economic conditions their retail businesses are doing quite well.

These are the 3 reasons why.

#1 – Understand Your Customer

Just because a business is local does not mean it understands the local community. For example, national chains may have brick and mortar locations in our communities, but their staff has limited historical experience with its members.

This creates opportunities for local businesses that have that information – what many refer to as local knowledge.

Golfers use the term local knowledge quite frequently, because they know how valuable it can be.

A member of a local golf club understands how greens respond to a put, how the prevailing winds will shape a shot, and how all of these factors subtly affect the game on a particular day.

True local businesses have local knowledge – they understand the subtle nuances that affect the buying behaviors of their customers.

Local knowledge can be the difference between a sale or a prospect walking out the door – possibly  forever.

#2 – Care About Your Customer

Customers quickly gravitate towards businesses that they perceive care about them. And the easiest way to create that perception is to put the customer first.

Caring about your customer is placing their needs ahead of yours, something that is counter to traditional selling.

Creating a favorable buying environment is essential for communicating that you care about your customer. It acknowledges the simple fact that you understand them.

Thus, successful hyperlocal marketing is a sequential process.

It starts with understanding your customer, and then caring enough about them to help solve their problems.

#3 – Provide Relevant Hyperlocal Solutions

Traditional marketing focuses on the needs and wants of customers. What drives needs and wants are problems.

Nobody likes to admit they have problems, but the truth is we all do. We may not be getting quality sleep because we need a better mattress. Or we may not entertain as much as we would like because we are embarrassed about our outdoor environment.

Call it what you wish, just recognize that the needs and wants of your future customers are the result of real or perceived problems.

Problems require solutions, and businesses that can effectively and appropriately respond to them will earn the business.

Your local business is ideally positioned to do exactly that. It’s the crux of hyperlocal marketing.

How do you accomplish this – with content marketing that provides relevant solutions for your local community.

It’s one thing to be local. It’s another to be important to just a few people – your local community.

That’s what your hyperlocal content marketing is all about.

Content marketing is what drives your social media marketing.

How is your business capitalizing on hyperlocal – with or without content marketing?

Leave a comment below and share this with your community using any of the share buttons below – or on the little red bar at the bottom of this page.

Until next time, Jeff

Photo Credit: reallyboring

Your Content Marketing Store

Are you still having some challenges wrapping your arms around the concept of content marketing to increase your small business revenues?

When I was conducting my Social Media Summit here in Chicago a few weeks ago I sensed that the concept was not resonating with some of the retailers in the group.

It just so happens that the intersection of those thoughts gave birth to an idea that can help all of us better conceptualize how to make our content marketing work.

Imagine Your Store

In a traditional brick and mortar store you have items for sale. Depending upon a number of factors, there could be a wide or narrow range of products (and services) in your store – along with variable pricing associated with the respective items.

Regardless of whether your business has a physical store or not, you now have a mental picture of what you provide to your market that generates revenue for your business.

Hold that thought.

Now Imagine Your Content Marketing Store

Now imagine a store that is much larger – even ten times larger. This is to allow room for all of the free educational content that earns the trust of those that are not yet ready to buy.

You want your shelves full of valuable (and FREE) information that solves problems for your ideal prospects. This brings them back to your store time and again, thereby increasing the opportunities for ultimately your selling products and services for a profit.

Why are so many retailers offering free Wi-Fi without obligation to make a purchase?

You get the idea.

Plan Your Profitable Offers Like a Kid

Do you remember when you were a kid how you carefully planned and arranged all of the details before asking your parents for a big favor – one that required them to make an investment in YOU?

You may now realize the methods you were using were a form of content marketing. You were solving problems for your ideal client – your parents.

You cleaned your room. You helped your brothers and sisters. You even offered to do special work for FREE.

Then, when the time and place were just right – you made the big offer to get a return on your investment in THEM. You even cross marketed – using one satisfied customer to win another one over.

Yep, you were born for this. You are a master content marketer – and you didn’t even realize it!

Does this give you a better mental picture for using content marketing to grow your business?

Leave a comment below or share this with your community on with any of the share buttons below – or on the little red bar at the bottom of this page.  

Until tomorrow,  Jeff

Photo Credit: Ambro

What is Your Marketing Key Note?

The night before my keynote presentation to independent retailers this past weekend, I was testing and preparing the final details for the next morning. Just before knocking off for the evening I decided to clean up my blog reader.  That’s when I discovered some new research that reinforced the key note or point of my […]

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Social Media Tips for Local Retailers

What is the primary goal of a local retailer?  Getting people into the store. That’s what I’ve learned while doing my research for my keynote presentation next week to about 750 retailers. If you are an online business you want to drive traffic to your website because that’s your place of business.  If you are […]

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