Social Media Channel Management

Media channels are designed to broadcast programming – but not just for anyone that happens to tune in. Channels are typically designed for a target audience that is most receptive to the content being delivered, and the medium delivering it. Thus, managing your social media channels requires a balance – one that carefully considers the […]

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Give Up Control of Your Brand

The customer may not always right, but they will always have a voice – and that gives them influence over your brand. Traditional marketing and advertising was a process in which the enterprise controlled the brand. They had the facts, the expertise, and the resources with which to shape the brand identity. Now customers can […]

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Social Business by Design

As Facebook approaches its public offering, CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg is making one thing very clear. “The world’s information infrastructure should resemble the social graph.” In other words, your business needs to be social by design. Virtually every business in every industry needs to redefine itself around social to be relevant with the changing […]

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Google Search Plus – A New Game Changer

As Google continues to roll out their new Search, Plus Your World capabilities, there is already growing concern that they are compromising search results. Who are the most vocal objectors?  Naturally, their competitors – Facebook and Twitter. Google used to have an arrangement with Twitter to index their streaming firehose of real-time data, one which Twitter […]

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Are Competitors Your New Business Partners?

One of the trends in business today is reframing your perspective to open more doors and maximize your growth opportunities. In that regard, consider who knows nearly as much about your business as you do? And who knows as much (or more) about your industry and markets as you do? You can identify these organizations […]

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Small Business Insights from Outsiders

While it is essential to practice ongoing education to stay current with trends, technologies, and best practices – it is much easier to acquire that same knowledge through networking. In fact, networking is nearly always the top reason given for attending industry conferences and expos. The conversations in the halls after an educational session – […]

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In Content We Trust

Consumers have always sought information to help them make better buying decisions. Prior to social media, content was distributed via traditional media outlets – radio, television, and newspapers. According to a recent study by Pew Research Center, Internet search is the leading source of information for consumers making decisions with respect to local businesses. Surprisingly, […]

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Can You Really Help Your Customer?

Whenever someone asks if you can help them, there is only one thing they are considering. Do you really have the necessary direct experience to first understand their situation – and then the acquired knowledge for applying a viable solution. People and Google LIKE Direct Experience People like direct experience. This is why they are […]

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Are You a Brand or a Business?

Social media enables brands and businesses to extend their marketing reach, thereby achieving new opportunities for interaction with followers, fans, prospects, and customers. The challenge is converting that activity into new business. This is accomplished by distinguishing the brand from the business – understanding how the dynamic of reach and interaction, and how they work […]

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Customer Experience Defines Your Brand

Every entrepreneurial venture starts with a vision. That vision is an intention – one that guides the early course of the business. It’s one that shapes business practices to build customer loyalty and sustain growth. Eventually, there comes a time when customers have a vision that defines your brand – one that is largely determined […]

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