How to Make a Video Blog Post that Communicates

CONNECT  You want to get your business message out in a multi-media format so that it will be both read and watched, or at the very least, listened to.  If you are lucky, you'll get all three.  You see, you have no control over the environment of your audience with online media.  They may be […]

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How to Write for Blogs and Social Media: New Media – New Rules!

Writing for blogs and social media is changing the time honored skill of writing.  The key to business blogging and social media marketing is simple.  You write with a purpose.   This is a skill that gets better the more you practice it.   What is your business purpose?  Naturally you want to do more of […]

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Face-to-Face or Facebook? How to Shape Your Business Growth

"I don't believe in that Facebook stuff.  I do business face-to-face."  That was a comment from an audience member last week in Louisville, Kentucky where I spoke to about 250 green industry professionals.  One program I presented was on blogging and social media marketing, something I'm very passionate about.  Why?  Because blogging and social media […]

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