Archives for December 2010

Make Resolutions Sticky with New Patterns

New year’s resolutions inspire us.  They provide the motivation for establishing new patterns that can change the course of our personal lives and businesses.

2010.12.30 Record Player

Find a New Groove

When you were young, you were free to explore. At that stage in your life you delighted in every discovery, whether is was exciting or icky.  Naturally, you learned to look for ways to repeat those moments of delight, with the hopes of avoiding the icky ones.

Little did you know that while you were learning you were forming behavioral patterns that would last a lifetime – driven by fears and desires.  We all seek pleasure as we try to avoid pain.  The process is simple until we discover that what seemed so exciting yesterday just doesn’t work anymore.

Why? Because you’ve been there before. So, you need a larger dose of it to achieve the same result. I use the word dose as a metaphor, but sadly it is often reality.  That is to say that seeking the same pleasures in the same way can result in destructive addictions.

Think of playing your favorite song over and over again. After a while that groove on the album doesn’t deliver the same effect – the same pleaure. And its the same with so many other influences in our lives.

The only solution is to get a new groove.


Human beings are designed to grow in many ways. This starts with physical and then emotional growth, and as we mature, we discover how to grow in more refined ways.  This include sports, the arts, education, and spiritual growth.

Growth often suggests more, because our early experience of growing is one of getting bigger, stronger, and more capable. As we reach early adulthood, our physical capabilities level off.  Sorry, but that’s how it works.

Yet, this realization helps us to discover new purposes that motivate us toward new, and often, more sustainable types of growth. Think of Superman. When he discovered he had superhuman qualities, he initially used them for juvenile purposes – showing off.

To continue to grow he had to find ways to use them for more practical purposes – serving the community of Metropolis.

Notice Your Conditioned Patterns

If you focus on results (your desired future) – which is what new year’s resolutions are, your conditioned patterns (where you have been) will work against you. They effectively reinforce the activities that keep you on the path that you have grown accustomed to.

Somehow you have to find the resolve to do what everyone else may suggest is the wrong course of action – changing direction.  However, that is the only way to learn how to grow and achieve your new goals.

If your resolution is to lose weight, an example of this may be changing when, what, and how much you eat. This summer I dropped nearly 20 pounds in 2 months when I realized on one particular occasion that eating 3 carrots for dinner was enough to satiate my hunger.

That aha moment changed years of eating patterns.  The result, I easily achieved my goal.  To be honest, it only happened because my family was out of town.  There was nobody there to reinforce that old pattern most of us grew up with – eating a “square” meal.

What patterns do you live by that you or everyone around you has convinced you are normal.

Patterns are habits.  Some are working for you and some aren’t. You have to take notice and change a few of them – and I do mean a few.  Starting with ONE may be the best way to move to the next level.

Patterns are Sticky

Patterns are like the grooves in a record, they don’t change. One of my lifelong patterns is excercise. I have always enjoyed running, biking, or otherwise doing what keeps me fit. It’s an habitual pattern that I don’t have to work on.

It’s sticky.

For this reason, when I set a fitness goal – which you could think of as a resolution, I usually achieve it using exercise and the top mass gainers in the UK. My conditioned patterns work for me in this department.

However, my conditioned pattern of seeking new information, which I could easily describe as an addiction, prevent me from accomplishing other goals. I love learning, so my achilles heal is an insatiable desire to read the news – which these days includes over 50 blogs – every day!

Sure, this enhances my expertise, but it gets in the way of achieving other results through the practical application of that information.

Change Your Environment

When any living creature is put into a new environment it has to make adjustments. The tendency will be to recreate the old patterns in the new environment.

But that is when your resolutions come to your rescue. You know what you need to accomplish to grow, so you should use the environment as an opportunity to develop more productive patterns.

New year’s resolutions fail because going back to the same environment engages the old patterns that produced yesterday’s results. The mind in incredibly powerful in this regard. Did you know that of the nearly 100,000 thoughts you have every day, approximately 95% of them are the same ones you had yesterday?

That’s conditioning – and your environment reinforces it. Changing your environment can be very effective for jump starting your forward progress.

Your mind can be a great ally when you understand how it can work for you or against you.  The key is not fighting it, but using it to build productive patterns that are aligned with your goals.

Focus on patterns and the resolutions will arrive on their own time.  I promise you will be delighted with the results!

If you have questions, leave a comment and I’ll be glad to help.  — Jeff

Photo Credit: stevecadman

Small Business Trends for 2011 – Relevance

This post is my third and final one on Small Business Trends for 2011.  

On Monday I gave you a summary of all three, as well as full description of personalization – the most important small business trend of 2011.  Yesterday I went into great detail on accessibility, and how that trend is vital to the success of your small business moving forward.

2010.12.29 Conversation
Attention Matters Most

Life in general is becoming a search for what matters most. To a great extent, we have the economy to thank for this. When times are tough, new choices have to be made with regards to allocation of resources.  Those resources include time and money.

To keep this simple, you should be thinking of relevance in terms of attention.  

As an entrepreneur or business owner, you are most likely familiar with the expression that nothing happens until there is a sale.  Given that marketing precedes the sales process, you should be highly tuned into everything that gains and holds the attention of your customers – including what even precedes marketing.

Albert Einstein is famous for stating – "I want to know what God thinks; all the rest is just details." 

If you translate that to your business, it means you want to be the all knowing one that understands the big picture – especially as it relates to the most intimate thoughts of your customers.

Emotions Override  Logic

It is easy to believe that great products and service will keep you ahead of your competitors. But that is wrong thinking when you consider we are all creatures that are ruled by emotion – by feelings, and in many situations, inner demons – fears.

You have go deep if you expect to be relevant. What is REALLY driving the decisions of your customers? If you think you know, you are probably wrong. Why?  Because it takes years to determine what drives the buying behavior of your best customers.

One of my best clients in my former business always talked price, which we interpreted that as value. After over ten years of doing good work for him, we were put on notice that he was negotiating with other companies because we were not hitting the mark.

Naturally, we gave that project our very best effort, working long nights to develop a design that would assure him that we were the best for the job.  So, we focused exclusively on what we were creating, and decided we would work out the numbers later.

Our proposal was literally three time his suggested budget – but we decided to present it anyway because we felt it was the best solution – based upon everything we had learned about in our ten years of working with them.  I will never forget him turning to his wife and asking if she liked it. She did.  

We learned what really mattered was what his wife, the silent partner wanted. Yes, we got the job – although not without some expected negotiations on the price the next day!  Nevertheless, when all was said and done, they we were all delighted with the result.

Relationships Reveal Relevance

You will never know what is most relevant to your customers unless you are investing in your relationship with them. This circles back to the first trend of personalization.  

If you are looking at your business as a series of transactions, then your business is dying – and you don't even know it. 

Think about the most significant relationship in your life, which presumably is your spouse, partner, or a family member. However you are succeeding in that department will give you clues for making your business stronger.

To be relevant with your customers is to earn their attention, and that requires one thing – your attention.

We all have to learn how to make this work in our particular situations.  It will most likely involve a combination of your personal skills and what technology can do to extend and multiply them for maximum effectiveness.

Use social networking and social CRM's.  Get out of your office and interact with the people you just met online. You will be surprised at how receptive they will be.  I know I have.

I remember when I was just out of college, working at my first real job, when friends would ring our doorbell without notice, with a twelve-pack of beer in hand. I believe social media is conditioning us to welcome unexpected circumstances like that – instead of seeing them as interruptions.

So, yes, use Facebook, Twitter, and Linked in for all you can. But be ready to fully engage to develop relationships that will sustain your personal and business relationships.

In other words, take time – use it, invest it, and be more free with it.  

That's the only way I know of for adapting to this trend for being relevant in an increasingly social society – and business environment.

What's your take on this?

Feel free to share this with your friends by clicking on the Facebook Like button below, leave a comment, or considering subscribing to the feed. 

Until tomorrow,  Jeff 

Photo Credit: polandeze

Small Business Trends for 2011 – Accessibility

Trends are not predictions. They are what is happening now that merits your attention. If you are a forward thinker, you pay attention to trends because you want to move your business forward. Ask yourself what you want. You want information. You want answers. And the only way to get that is to have access.

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Small Business Trends for 2011

You can see that 2011 will be a year of taking what we learned in 2010 to the next level. As social media goes mainstream, more personalization will be expected. You have to really make that shift in your marketing to something you do WITH your customers. Like it or not, they are your new business partners.

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A Non-Linear Strategy for Enhanced Productivity

Does it make sense to have a linear work strategy in a non-linear world? The problem comes when you have multiple projects running simultaneously. Each one demands your attention – which means none of them receive your best effort.

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My Social Media Christmas Wish

What would you like to accomplish in this lifetime that could only be possible by integrating hundreds of friends – or millions of people? That’s my secret social media Christmas wish. What’s yours?

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Why I Like Postling

Postling is a relatively new service that makes it easy to manage all of your social media in a single interface. The primary reason I use Postling is to receive notifications when comments are made on my Facebook page – and now you can do the same with your YouTube channel.

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Finish What You Start

Are you getting excited for next year? For me the new year reminds me of the anticipation of the first day of the new school year when I was a kid. This is a good time for looking back to see what worked this year, and for taking what didn’t – and finishing it.

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Use Your Blog as a Proving Ground

You can (and should) blog to test drive your expertise – what you share with your community. If you aren’t blogging – start. If you are, keep your hands on the wheel and the pedal to the floor and you will drive right past your competitors.

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Your Social Media Structure – Part 3 of 3

Social networking and other communication technologies are giving customers more influence. We are social creatures, and given a choice, we will do business with those individuals and companies that are more engaging, more personal, and therefore, likeable.

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