Archives for December 2010

Your Social Media Structure – Part 2 of 3

When you are building a social media structure, you should follow one of the cardinal rules of selling: meet them where they are. Your design process helps you to clearly understand your target audience. Now you just need to learn where they are most likely to hang out so that you know where to build your presence.

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Your Social Media Structure

The process of achieving practical results with social media should be familiar to most entrepreneurs and small business owners: First you design, then you build, and when all of that is in place, you get out there and engage with customers! How can you use social media to build a structure that engages your community with your expertise?

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Your Conditioned Collaboration with Facebook

Facebook’s process is one of asking you open-ended questions that you willingly answer – and then using that information to build categories for enhancing their imminent social search engine. Whether you like it or not, you are a co-conspirator. Just consider how you can use this for the benefit of your small business.

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2011 – The Year of Relevance

Social media has heightened our awareness of relevance. Location, location, location is now being replaced by search, search, search. To that you should be aware that if you expect to be found with the plethora of search engines that can target search with laser accuracy, you need to keep one thing in mind – tag, tag, tag.

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Social Marketing is Getting Personal

2011 will be the breakout year for social search. Marketers will become increasingly aware of seeking genuine interaction with consumers. These are uncharted waters – with the prize going to those that understand how to navigate them – by personalizing their small business to establish its relevance.

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