LinkedIn Publishing: Build Your Influence with Customer Facing Media

LinkedIn Publishing: Build Your Influence with Customer-Facing Media

This is Episode 43 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan.

In this fast-paced episode you will learn that LinkedIn is making a strong push to be a source of valuable media for business professionals. So, if you want to stand out on LinkedIn, you want to learn how to use the platform to create and publish customer-facing media that lives on your LinkedIn profile – and Viveka von Rosen will show you how.

Our Featured Guest: Viveka von Rosen

LinkedIn Publishing: Build Your Influence with Customer Facing Media Viveka von Rosen is the author of LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day, and known internationally as the “LinkedIn Expert”. Her seminars, workshops and programs have trained over 100,000 people, including executives at several Fortune 500 Companies. Forbes listed her as a top social media influencer for 3 years running, and she has been cited and featured in Money Magazine, CNN, Fortune, Mashable, Social Media Examiner and many other leading publications and events.

Focus on the Benefits of What You Do

LinkedIn wants to be a valuable resource for business professionals, and they reward those contributing to the platform with greater visibility for connecting with new opportunities.

LinkedIn initially became a publishing platform for a limited group of influencers that already had a large fan base. Now everyone in the North America and parts of Europe has access to the LinkedIn Publisher platform, and there are enormous advantages for taking advantage of it.

In fact, Viveka speculates that the time may come when reaching an extended audience with your content on LinkedIn becomes a pay-to-play game, as it is now on Facebook. So, the smart money says take advantage of this free opportunity today to build your influence with LinkedIn publishing.

Why Use LinkedIn Publishing?

#1 – LinkedIn Publisher content significantly enhances your profile by featuring your expertise with text, images, video and Slideshare presentations.

#2 – LinkedIn is searchable, and your long-form content can be rich with keywords to make your profile more discoverable

#3 – LinkedIn is a ready-made community ripe for attracting a larger audience. Think of it as a blogging platform for connecting with like-minded professionals.

10 LinkedIn Publisher Best Practices

#1 – Long-form, in-depth and relevant content that is 900-1500 words is recommended by LinkedIn.

#2 – Create an interesting headline with a question or numbered tips or steps that suggests the value of your informative content.

#3 – Follow appropriate LinkedIn Pulse Channels to learn what type of content is most desired by your audience.

#4 – Choose an attractive header image for your article, with 698 x 400 pixels being optimal.

#5 – Include hyperlinks to related content that further adds value.

#6 – Embed YouTube or Vimeo videos or links to them.

#7 – Choose from up to 3 of the available tags to optimize your content for search and ensure it lands in the appropriate LinkedIn Pulse channel.

#8 – If you have a premium account, study the analytics to learn more about the demographics of those consuming your content and be certain you are attracting the right audience.

#9 – Reach out and engage further with those liking, commenting and sharing your content.

#10 – Always include a signature and a call-to-action with your content to build your network.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on LinkedIn Publishing? Meet me over on Twitter to take the conversation further.

Lighting Round Tips and Advice

Viveka’s Top Sales or Marketing Advice – Really know your audience. Write your LinkedIn profile and create helpful media for them.

Her Favorite Productivity Tip – Viveka recommends 17Hats – a new app for automating workflow for entrepreneurs, and she is also fond of Evernote because it plays well with LinkedIn.

A Quote that has Inspired Viveka’s Success – “All things being equal, people do business with, and refer people to, those they know, like and trust.” Bob Burg

Key Take-Aways

  • Use LinkedIn to describe what you bring to the table to help your clients. Also, be mindful that LinkedIn frowns on and downgrades profiles that blatantly stuff keywords, especially to promote products and services.
  • If you have a premium account, LinkedIn will suggest keywords for your summary. Include them there and throughout your profile and published content.
  • Check out Viveka’s LinkedIn course on Try it free for 10 days.
  • You can learn more about Viveka at and on Twitter @LinkedInExpert
  • And check out the weekly LinkedIn chat to connect with other LinkedIn enthusiasts every Tuesday evening at 8:00 PM Eastern US time.

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About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, is the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business and host of This Old New Business podcast.

He helps mainstream businesses adapt their traditional growth practices to a digital world. Connect with Jeff on LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and Google+

Nurture Marketing: How to Be Remembered When Buyers are Ready

Nurture Marketing: How to Be Remembered When Buyers are Ready

This is Episode 36 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan.

Randall Craig attributes his business success to the implementation of systems that automate strategic touchpoints for adding value and nurturing relationships with prospective buyers and clients. Think of it as content marketing on autopilot.

When you listen to the audio you will probably learn some new terms, such as journey mapping and omni-channel marketing. More important is that you will learn how use them to strategically deliver the right content at the right time so that your company is remembered when buyers in your audience are ready choose a business to work with.

Our Featured Guest: Randall Craig

Nurture Marketing: How to Be Remembered When Buyers are ReadyRandall Craig helps organizations land their digital strategy airplane through a more integrated approach to marketing. Randall has been advising on Web Strategy since 1994, and is the author of 7 books, including The Everything Guide to Starting an Online Business, Social Media for Business, and Online PR and Social Media.

Building an Automated Nurture Marketing System

When your small business responds to an inquiry, the expected response is often “yes” or “no.” Though in reality the prospective buyer may actually be thinking “not yet” when he or she says no. 

This is the nurture marketing oppportunty. When your business has an automated nurture marketing system in place to engage with new connections, it will be remembered when that buyers is ready to make a decision.

Business success is quite often described as a marathon. It’s all about grinding it out. This is why nurture or “drip” marketing works so well. There are hundreds of reasons why buyers are not ready, which is why your business wants to regularly send them useful information to guide them along their buyers journey.

If you consider your nurture marketing sequence to be purposeful touchpoints, then they can be integrated into an overall strategy that includes traditional mail, social media, and face-to-face meetings. It should all be designed to help your buyer so that our business is the remembered and trusted when the time is right to choose.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on nurture marketing? Meet me over on Twitter to take the conversation further.

Lighting Round Tips and Advice

Randall’s Top Sales or Marketing Advice – Remember the other 95%. Most online marketing converts about 5%. Using nurture marketing to capture more of the other 95% and it all drops to the bottom line.

His Favorite Productivity Tip – Use a kitchen timer (referred to as an egg or Pomodoro timer) to limit the you spend surfing the web or returning emails.

A Quote that has Inspired Randall’s Success – “Give to get.” Find ways to help other people get what they want and soon they will remember you and help you get what you want.

Key Take-Aways

  • You can learn more about Randall at
  • Sign up for Randall’s FREE monthly webinar on marketing effectiveness

How to subscribe to This Old New Business podcast

Click here to subscribe via iTunes.
You can also subscribe via Stitcher.

Help us Spread the Word

If you enjoyed this episode of This Old New Marketing podcast, please head over to iTunes or Stitcher to leave a rating, write a review, or subscribe.

About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, is the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business and host of This Old New Business podcast.

He helps mainstream businesses adapt their traditional growth practices to a digital world. Connect with Jeff on LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and Google+

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