Live Events: Delivering the Social Media Marketing World Experience

Live Events: Delivering the Social Media Marketing World Experience

This is Episode 40 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan.

If you are considering hosting your own live events, and even if you are not but instead want to learn new insights for planning and delivering an exceptional customer experience, then you will want to listen to this episode.

I promise this will change how you view your business and its relationship with your customers, including how to keep the customer experience fresh, how to empower your team to wow your customers, and subtle but powerful ways for letting customers know how much you appreciate them.

Our Featured Guest: Phil Mershon

Live Events: Delivering the Social Media Marketing World Experience Phil Mershon is the director of events for Social Media Examiner, where he oversees two signature events: Social Media Marketing World and Social Media Success Summit. Previously, Phil was a training consultant with Koch Industries, a systems analyst for Boeing, and spent over 18 years working for churches and non-profits in leadership roles. Phil is also a jazz saxophonist and songwriter.

Take Care of Your Event Customers

Phil Mershon says the success of live events comes down to caring for your paying customers, of which there are usually two classifications: attendees and sponsors.

Phil is quick to point out their needs are different. For Virginia Beach SEO, it ranges from fresh content on the right topics to accommodations and networking. Sponsors are also interested in networking. To please both groups it’s necessary to plan opportunities for having conversations with the right people in an environment conducive to meaningful conversations.

Phil acknowledges that every meeting planner wants to have everyone walk away from their event thinking, and preferably saying, it was one of the best conferences ever. To make that possibility reality, he suggests focusing on the following.

#1 – Customer Service

Take care of everyone by defining in advance that experience from beginning to end. For Social Media Marketing World, this is attention to the mental, emotional, and physcial well-being of everyone before, during, and after the event.

This starts with preparation by identifying major touchpoints, standard solutions and what is means to go above and beyond expectations.

According to Phil, a simple means for accomplshing this is to empower staff to do for a few what you wish you could do for many. You cannot possibly please everyone all of the time, so just take care of those that you can when you can.

#2 – Networking Opportunities

To make networking a priority Social Media Marketing World provides a central networking space where attendees can mingle among themselves and with sponsors. This year they hired experienced networking embassadors to ensure desired connections were made possible.

#3 – Educational Content

Learning is also a top priority for event attendees that expect fresh, cutting edge content on the right topics by content and industry experts. This necessarily requires actively seeking out speakers, and setting high standards for mutual success.

This year Social Media Marketing World hosted over 140 speakers. Being one of them I had the opportunity to experience first-hand what is possible when you care. Attention to detail gives everyone confidence, and that a cool feeling for speakers that want to simply be prepared to deliver useful content.

Successful live events require taking care of everything, and that may indeed be possible with the right team that is prepared.  Listen in as Phil Mershon shares how his team has accomplished this in such a short period of time. 

I’d love to hear your thoughts on live events? Meet me over on Twitter to take the conversation further.

Lighting Round Tips and Advice

Phil’s Top Sales or Marketing Advice – Know your customers.

His Favorite Productivity Tip – Practice positive procrastination. Eliminate the things you don’t need to be doing, knowing and seeing.

A Quote that has Inspired Phil’s Success – “No whining, no complaining, no excuses.” John Wooden

Key Take-Aways

  • The primary marketing vehicle for Social Media Marketing World is the massive Social Media Examiner email subscriber list. Learn how to grow your email subscribers with social media.
  • You can learn more about Social Media Marketing World and its virtual counterpart, Social Media Success Summit at Also, consider subscribing to learn more about the soon to be launched Social Media Society membership community.
  • Check out Rory Vaden’s Procrastinate on Purpose and Necessary Endings to eliminate some of the clutter in your life.
  • You can reach Phil on Facebook and on Twitter @Phil_Mershon

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About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, is the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business and host of This Old New Business podcast.

He helps mainstream businesses adapt their traditional growth practices to a digital world. Connect with Jeff on LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and Google+

Become One With Your Ideal Audience

Become One With Your Ideal Audience

This is for you.

That’s the voice of online content that connects with its ideal audience. It speaks from a place that says, “We think you are going to like this.”

My research for presenting social media and content marketing programs at several different green industry (landscape companies) this year revealed some good news: More companies are blogging. Yet, their purpose for doing so seems to be a mystery.

You already know the most common blogging mistake of using your blog, newsletter, and social media to promote your business, as opposed to helping your audience. That’s not what this is about.

This problem is much more chronic.

Remove Barriers of Engagement

You may be familiar with this joke. What did the yogi say to the hot dog vendor? “Make me one with everything.”

You don’t necessarily need to be one with everything in this universe to succeed in business, but you do need to commune with your ideal audience to learn what’s important to them.

Most buyers are stuck. In fact, they are probably in pain because they desperately want a solution. Show your audience you care enough to know what those pain points are. Then address them in a way that makes you one with them.

What should your business publish online? Here’s a fact. Your competitors are not so much other companies, but the collective habits and practices of your industry that consumers have come to believe.

Here are a few examples.

  • Attorney’s charge too much
  • Contractors can’t be trusted
  • Airlines don’t care
  • Chiropractors aren’t real doctors
  • Landscapers are unskilled laborers

Obviously, I’m making generalizations, but you know these stereotypes exist to a degree, so they need to be addressed.

One of the company blogs I researched was well written, very detailed, and complete with with beautiful examples of landscape designs. This is where many blogs miss the mark. Those details are for the company to know. Customers simply want a result, typically a solution.

This common blogging mistake is like discussing the fine points of nutrition with someone that hasn’t eaten in days. They just want you to feed their hunger, and so it is with blogging.

When your content satisfies a hunger for relevant solutions, it removes the barriers between your business and its ideal audience.

You’ll discover what holds buyers back from working with your business, or any other like it, has something to do with trust. Therefore, what you do is not nearly as important as why you do it, and that often relates to who you are.

Solution: Take a risk and tell your story as honestly as you can. It will humanize your business and begin to melt away those perceived barriers.

If you need help with that, I’m happy to help.

About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, is the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business and host of This Old New Business podcast.

He helps mainstream businesses adapt their traditional growth practices to a digital world. Connect with Jeff on LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and Google+

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