How Live Events Enhance Social Networking and Marketing

In the days before digital, if you wanted to network you had to get out of the office. That’s where we developed relationships and consummated deals.Telephones were only used to supplement those live interactions. Live events are where you experience firsthand the energy and enthusiasm of other like-minded people who share your interests and business […]

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The Value of Social Media Sharing

  The Jeff Korhan New Media and Small Business Marketing blog enjoyed a great week, leaping back into the Technorati Small Business Top 100 Rankings. How does this happen? While producing great content helps, it is not enough – not nearly enough. Your content has to get shared, again and again. Original content is fuel for helping […]

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Every Business is Now a Media Company

There was a time when every business courted the media. They (the media) were rightfully considered business partners because they could significantly help any company interested in publicizing an event or similar happening as news. Today, every business (large or small) is now its own media company – and that is a responsibility that should not be […]

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Google for Authors Simplified

One of the best search features to come along in a while for authors of original content is Google Authorship – one that is not particulary well known outside of tech circles. About Google Authorship This week I received an email from Google about Google Authorship that suggests they are hoping to take it mainstream. […]

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The Best Blog Post Length Test

One of the most common concerns for new and experienced bloggers alike is the length of the post. Finding the Right Length Some folks will not read a blog post that is more than 500 words. That’s understandable, because many of them are puffed up pieces that dance around a topic and never clearly make […]

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10 LinkedIn Tips for Growing Your Business

This original article by Jeff Korhan (now updated) was published earlier at Social Media Examiner. Why should you use LinkedIn for networking? With 161 million business members, and a reputation as a trusted network, LinkedIn may be the most powerful business networking service both now and moving forward. How are you using LinkedIn to grow […]

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Mobile Marketing with 2d Codes

This article by Jeff Korhan, now updated, first appeared on Social Media Examiner. Consumer behaviors are changing, and mobile technologies are among the predominant influences affecting the shift. More than 50% of all local web searches take place with mobile devices. This spells opportunity for businesses that have a mobile marketing strategy. Does your business have […]

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2012 Social Media Predictions for Mainstream Small Business

The maturation of the social networking channels may well prove to be the tipping point for attracting a majority of mainstream small businesses who have yet to jump into this pond. One can understand the reluctance, especially as the noise level on the social networks continues to approach the breaking point. #1 – The Quality […]

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Humanize Email Marketing for Results

If you expect to get your marketing emails opened and read, you need to consistently deliver useful information, while also respecting the cardinal rule of content marketing – quickly and clearly make your point. That’s just the beginning. Having accomplished that, you then have to get your prospects and customers to take action – such […]

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5 Best Practices for a Successful QR code Marketing Campaign

Are you wondering how to use QR codes to enhance your marketing? This article (now updated) first appeared in Social Media Examiner where I am a regular contributor.  It’s another great resource to help you with your small business marketing.  Why QR codes? QR and other two-dimensional (2D) codes can be readily integrated into your current […]

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