Collaborative Sales Practices that Engage Buyers

Selling directly to buyers is a standard business practice that is being transformed into a more collaborative sales process. Progressive businesses are now working together with customers to create shared experiences by co-creating solutions with buyers to give them what is often greater or more exciting than they would have imagined. Buyers do not always know […]

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Using Trigger Words To Connect with Buyers

One of the secrets of successful selling is making emotional connections. One specific technique for accomplishing this is tuning into the specific words and phrases that your buyer uses. These keywords are a powerful means for literally speaking the same language. This is one of those situations where the buyer is indeed right. Whatever words […]

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The Power of Questions for Attracting and Engaging New Buyers

Content marketing makes your business more attractive to prospective buyers by eliminating questions that stand in the way of them engaging with your company. Thus, when thinking about selling products and services, it’s smart to first consider the most relevant questions that need to be addressed. I just recently had car graphics London ON wrap […]

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3 Ways Social Media is Revolutionizing the Sales Process

There are many people like me who are not shoppers – we’re buyers. When buyers find what they like we buy it – no selling is necessary. This often keeps us loyal to the same vendors and stores for a long time, and certainly explains the success of Amazon Prime for everyday purchases. However, when […]

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Sell The Process that Sells Your Product

In competitive markets the differentiation of products and services is challenging, with many consumers not able discern a noticeable difference. This leads to commoditization and the aggressive price competition that naturally follows. The solution is to develop a process that profiles the unique characteristics and capabilities of your company – then lead your selling with […]

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Social Marketing is Relationship Selling

Mainstream small business will more reliably get better results from social media if they view it more as selling than marketing. Why? Because effective relationship selling is personal, and now marketing is too. As social influences continue to profoundly affect business, just about every business activity is going to require relationship building skills. Traditional marketing or advertising was […]

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Engage Social with Your Sales Process

While social media is becoming part of the fabric of our personal lives, it is far from mainstream when it comes to mainstream businesses. You may be surprised to learn that percentage of businesses NOT using social media is much greater than those that are. Actively using social media does not mean you have a […]

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Content Marketing Choice-Making

The creation of abundant online content necessarily encouraged content curation, the practice of sifting through it to then share only the information that is most relevant to respective communities. Always on RSS feeds allow for easily filtering content by selecting the best sources to include in curated streams. While there is value to this type […]

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Selling With Social

Social media is media that happens to be social. To use it well it’s necessary to think like a media company, such as NBC, ESPN, or HBO. All of these companies manage multiple networks or channels that collectively represent their business brand for a socially influenced community. Once you develop that essential mindset you are equipped to […]

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Why Should We Hire Your Company?

Can you readily provide specific, quantifiable, and relevant evidence that justifies hiring your company? Surprisingly, most companies cannot – not really.  They offer up intangibles such as great customer service, longevity in business, and things of this nature. When you consider how much work goes into attracting new business, doesn’t it make sense to be […]

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