Market Like You Understand Your Customers

One of the most underrated qualities in business is understanding the customer. On many levels this is significant, but especially for marketers that want to attract the attention of an audience. Assuming you have the technical capabilities, there is one a simple test for determining if your marketing is likely to be attractive to your […]

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Elevate Your Business Growth Practices to The Web

Business consultants, coaches, and authors are fond of admonishing that what got you here won’t get you there. Their reasons often stem from their desire to teach you their methods, thereby helping you to break free from your past. The flaw in this reasoning is your past is precisely what got you here. Why would you […]

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Content Marketing Choice-Making

The creation of abundant online content necessarily encouraged content curation, the practice of sifting through it to then share only the information that is most relevant to respective communities. Always on RSS feeds allow for easily filtering content by selecting the best sources to include in curated streams. While there is value to this type […]

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Why Should We Hire Your Company?

Can you readily provide specific, quantifiable, and relevant evidence that justifies hiring your company? Surprisingly, most companies cannot – not really.  They offer up intangibles such as great customer service, longevity in business, and things of this nature. When you consider how much work goes into attracting new business, doesn’t it make sense to be […]

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