Personalization and Your Ideal Customer

People in general are attracted to those they resonate with. There is a perceived bond – a shared energy that may be subtle, yet nevertheless is often quite powerful for establishing a relationship of mutual trust.

This is why personalization is now an essential consideration for every marketer that expects to build a sustainable business.

The challenge with personalization is that it goes against traditional marketing wisdom. Personalization takes time and attention, which makes it something that can be difficult to scale, though a few mega-sized businesses such as Zappos are proving it is indeed possible.

Your Ideal Customer Most Values One Thing

Apple and Zappos both discovered that giving personalized attention was the one thing that could differentiate their businesses, thereby transforming their prospects and customers into raving fans.

Even if you have never purchased a pair of shoes from Zappos, if you have experienced their legendary service, you may still be a fan that would recommend them to a friend.

There is nothing more powerful than the recommendations of friends, and astute businesses know that every favorable contact creates the potential for influencing dozens of friends.

Friends understand friends. They know what they value most. They understand the nuances that can affect buying decisions, such as a table at a restaurant with a special view, a personalized thank you note, or anything that could be considered VIP access.

Your Marketing Must Communicate Clear Intentions

If you focus on personalizing your business for your ideal clients, your increase your success rate. Before you can accomplish this, you must define your ideal client in terms beyond their economic capabilities.

When I was operating a contracting business, our ideal clients were those that trusted us, respected our expertise, and challenged us to create new and better solutions that were perfect for them.  Those that wanted a cookie cutter solution were not our ideal client.

To be clear, we had plenty of prospects that could easily afford our services, which were mostly luxuries, as opposed to necessities. Nevertheless, we were incapable of serving them without that essential trust for taking them where they wanted to go.

Once you know your ideal client, you now have to let them know who you are to create that magical bond of personalization.

This comes in the form of intention – clearly communicating that you know, understand, and are able and willing to provide that one thing they really want.

When you try to be all things to too many people, you resonate with nobody. Intention is a marker that says this is who we can be together in a mutually trusting partnership.

Markets Whisper To Those Listening

If you are not attracting the business you need to support your enterprise, then you either do not understand your ideal customer or client, or you are not communicating or delivering it well.

That’s really all there is to it. Markets don’t shout – they whisper. Astute marketers today have learned to use these new social media marketing channels to listen well, and respond in kind.

In a world where virtually every industry is being commoditized, those that are listening to the nuances and subtleties of the markets are the ones that will succeed.

Consider what is special to you – what you treasure most. It’s most likely not something of great economic value. What is special to most of us is something of intrinsic value that is sentimental, emotional, and thus, sustainable.

When all things are pretty much equal, it’s going to be the little things that stand out – those that one would only know if they shared an intimate relationship.

Intimacy stems from personalization, something that businesses who care about their customers are capable of accomplishing.

How are you personalizing your business for your ideal customer?

For more on this, consider exploring Personal vs Business Social Media Accounts.

Leave a comment below or share this with your community on with any of the share buttons below – or on the little red bar at the bottom of this page.  

Until next time,  Jeff


Innovate or Die – The Race to The Top

Imagine a web with perfect search capabilities – one in which consumers have access to everything they want to know about your business and others just like it.

Knowing that, would you operate differently than you are today?

You can hope your prospects will not discover other sources that are cheaper or better than yours, or you can accept that the day will soon come when they will know all that you do – and more.

Competition is something that keeps business owners and marketers up at night. They bemoan that some are trashing their markets by offering pricing at which nobody can offer a quality product or service.

Is that true – or do they simply have a different business model?

The Future of Marketing is 100% Transparency

If you are willing to warm up to the fact that consumers will soon have 100% access to information, you can avoid allowing your business to die a slow death.

In every industry, business leaders sit back and watch the newcomers compete on a new level, while confidently proclaiming they will never last – yet, many do.

There will be more companies that can do what yours does for less. You can sit back and hope it doesn’t happen, or you can join those of us in the race to the top.

The Race to The Top

Marketers know you never want to compete on price. Price is easily matched by companies that have learned to scale, as well as by those that are desperate or stupid. Regardless of why it happens- you still lose the business.

According to a top Vancouver SEO, smart companies are open and honest about their price. If your offering is better it should command a higher price. The question, how much higher?

The race to the top is won by being so good that price does not matter, within reason. Of course, consumers are not necessarily reasonable – they see better quality and expect to get it at the same price as what is inferior.

This is a challenge we all face.

What is tangible will always be scrutinized – and that includes price.

One powerful way to overcome what is tangible is with intangibles, such as celebrity appeal, if you have it. Though, for most mainstream small businesses, the most powerful intangible is the trust of the communities they serve.

The solution is simple – you have to innovate and differentiate. The only way to compete against price is to be priceless, and that is not an easy thing to do.

Nevertheless, it should be your goal. How can you do what you do now at half the price? How can you then increase your value to solidify that position?

The Race to The Bottom

When your products and services are viewed as commodities, you are in a race to the bottom.

If the average consumer cannot differentiate the quality you offer, it doesn’t matter. It’s as simple as that.

This is one of the benefits of having a solid content marketing strategy – one in which you educate your prospects and customers to make them better buyers of your products and services.

Every industry is going to experience a shaking out over the next several years. The survivors will be those who offer the best price or the best value – and the gap between the two will narrow until they are nearly one in the same.

When there is a race, everyone gets better or they drop out of the race. As search continues to get better, you will see more companies drop out – with the survivors getting better, both in terms of price and quality.

Are you ready to redefine how you operate your business?

Or are you waiting for the race to come to you?

The race is on – some businesses recognize it and others don’t. If you think you are not racing to the bottom – you probably are.

The nature of business these days is one of constant improvement and innovation – a race to the top.

It’s the only condition that can sustain your business in an environment in which perfect information is readily available.

What are your thoughts? Leave a comment below.

And please share this with your community and encourage them to join the conversation.

Until next time, Jeff

Photo Credit: 89studio