The Value of Social Media Sharing

 Technorati Top Small Business Blogs

Technorati Top Small Business Blogs


The Jeff Korhan New Media and Small Business Marketing blog enjoyed a great week, leaping back into the Technorati Small Business Top 100 Rankings.

How does this happen?

While producing great content helps, it is not enough – not nearly enough. Your content has to get shared, again and again.

Original content is fuel for helping your customers – and social media sharing is the flame that ignites it.

Getting Your Content Shared

To start, you have to earn the right to be shared, and that does require having a base of solid content that is the result of understanding your business and its customers – and then showing up to do the work of creating it.

Your content is a body of work that earns the attention of your community. If you consistently provide value, the community will engage with your business blog, with a few even taking a moment to leave a comment.

This is precisely how I first met Jon Loomer. Since then, we have crossed paths as guest bloggers at Social Media Examiner, something that would not have been possible without our respectively building a base of content worthy of the standards of Social Media Examiner.

Links from prominent sites like Social Media Examiner significantly contribute to the ranking of your blog. Now fast forward a few years to just last week, when I did an interview with Jon Loomer on his Social Media Pubcast.

Jon’s podcast is so popular that we scheduled that conversation months into the future. So, in addition to the time investment for doing your own work, you have to be patient about your content sharing.

This is a marathon – not a sprint.

Get in The Game and Let Serendipity Happen

Jon Loomer is influential as a Facebook expert, and we had a good time chatting about the new Facebook hashtags. The article I recently wrote on that topic earned quite a few shares, something that occasionally happens when you continue showing up to do the work of helping your community.

Serendipity played a role in helping that article reach a larger audience, because my content is syndicated by Business 2 Community and Social Media Informer, which both significantly helped to earn it even more shares.

These partner relationships would not be possible without first creating content worthy of sharing.

So, the lesson is simple.

Create content to the best of your ability, keep showing up to do it again, and reach out every now and then to expand your audience by joining the communities of other blogs.

Oh yeah, and don’t forget to share and share alike.

When you share, you create opportunities for new relationships. That’s how I met Jon Loomer, Mike Stelzner at Social Media Examiner, and lots of other cool people.

The web is designed for sharing.

You simply cannot do this alone. You need friends and allies.

The aforementioned Technorati ranking may have my name on it, but it was a team effort that was years in the making.

Are you ready to get started building yours?

About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, helps mainstream small businesses create exceptional customer experiences that accelerate business growth. Get more from Jeff on LinkedInTwitter and Google+.

Jeff is also the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business – (Wiley 2013)

How to Encourage Social Media Sharing

The Purpose of Sharing

When websites were the primary means for distributing content on the Web, it was common to suggest to friends and customers alike to check out your website.  The problem with this tactic today is it does not encourage interaction, which of course is the purpose of social media sharing.

This is part of the art of leading your social media with content marketing.

Let’s take a look at why the phrase “check out my” now makes some of us very uncomfortable.

Check It Out

To ask your friends, colleagues or customers to do anything is really … well, it’s work!  If you happen to be a person of authority, then many of them may indeed grant you the favor out of respect. Yet, every subsequent time you ask in this way you undermine your earned authority.

Would you like to know a better way?

Here It Is

When you bring the content to your social media communities – you respect them.  If you expect to have your content shared by them, you need to make everything easy.  Think in terms of creating an enjoyable experience and you will dramatically increase your level of engagement and interaction.

Here are 10 tips for doing so:

  1. Do the work!  Provide links using appropriate link shorteners such as
  2. Announce that you’ve done the work with a phrase such as … Here is.
  3. Only recommend valuable content that is likely to enhance your authority
  4. Give your perspective to encourage exploration of the content.
  5. Use familiar language that acknowledges your relationship with them.
  6. Ask a question that sparks curiosity and inquiry.
  7. Distribute the content on an interactive site, such as your blog, Facebook page, or Twitter
  8. Join them.  Quickly respond to comments and further lead the conversation.
  9. Let the discussion breathe by welcoming all opinions and perspectives.
  10. Extend that conversation later with relevant content that naturally follows it up

Doesn’t this seem more natural for encouraging online sharing and engagement?

Leave a comment to share your thoughts.

 Photo Credit:  Cronewynd