How The Future of Social Media Will Change Your Business

Yesterday morning I was making some oatmeal, which should be an unusual event in the summer, but it has been a chilly Spring here in Chicago recently with temps in the ’60’s.  This particular brand of oatmeal included “dinosaur eggs.”  I was kidding my son: “Hey look, I thought dinosaurs were extinct.  How come their […]

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The Key to Serving Your Clients with Your Blog: Heart

I'm thinking about that line from the film Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.  "When you tell a story, here's a tip – have a point – it makes it so much more interesting for the listener!"  The lesson I take from that sarcastic bit of humor that also tugs at the heartstrings is you have to […]

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How to Keep Your Customers Tuned into Your Social Media

Curiosity is one of those human behaviors you can count on when you are marketing your business.  People want to know what's new, better, and different.  They also want to know what doesn't work.   They love to see the underdog win, and not surprisingly, they love to see the perennial leader fail.  Of course, most […]

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Using Superman Powers for Leveraging Your Social Media Good

We all know Superman has super powers.  Yet, when he first realized he had these powers he had to make a choice about how to use them.  He decided, of course, to use them for doing good things.  As a result – his powers became even stronger.  Good results reinforce and feed the mechanism for […]

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Is Social the Currency of Success for Entrepreneurs in the New Economy?

I had the pleasure of meeting many new friends while speaking at my alma mater Miami University this past week.  As they say, you can’t step into the same river twice.  Yes, Miami has changed significantly for the better since I was a student there in the late ’70’s and early ’80’s. This time around […]

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How To Reinvent Traditional Marketing for the New Economy

You may have seen President Obama's appearance on Jay Leno a few days ago.  This was an historic moment. Why? —Because Obama is using the "old" media in new ways to market his agenda. Instead of holding a stuffy press conference where everyone is reading between the lines of his carefully planned script — to […]

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Why Traditional Marketing is Dying: And New Media is Soaring

The Persian poet Rumi, a deep thinker who lived approximately 1000 years ago, said this: “When I die I will soar with the angels When I die as an angel, what I will become you cannot imagine.” This is how I see marketing today. Traditional marketing is dying – due to technology, the green trend, […]

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Social Media Wizardry – The Art of Looking Good

Putting your face in front of your company can be intimidating. Why? Well, many people are afraid that social media will cast them in a bad light.  That's possible.  But, if you hide behind the curtain and don't give people a clear look at who you are, then they will make their own conclusions – […]

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How to Strategically Amplify Your Message with Social Media

You cannot hide who you are.  That has been true for the history of humanity.  Though, there are some people that like to hide.  Social media is changing that.  It does this by doing what it does best – amplifying who you really are.  Your values, personality, and actions are all magnified, amplified, and scrutinized […]

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How to Make a Video Blog Post that Communicates

CONNECT  You want to get your business message out in a multi-media format so that it will be both read and watched, or at the very least, listened to.  If you are lucky, you'll get all three.  You see, you have no control over the environment of your audience with online media.  They may be […]

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