Archives for July 2010

Social Engagement Works

IStock_SMnetworking_000009458297XSmall We all know that engagement is the key to success with social media.  Now consider translating that to your work off of the social networks.

This year I selected three words as reminders for driving my business.  These three words are:  Strong, People, and Energy.

What I have discovered is that taking a little more time to get to know those in my community, both online and offline, nearly always encourages a stronger relationship that creates more energy with the people I work with (or want to).

There is pretty simple stuff, but it works.  Why?  Because its not a common approach.  You aren't just taking or making time, you are investing it.  The majority in any community are too busy to give you their precious time.  Why?  Because while they will not say so, they are mostly thinking about what their payoff can be. 

That self-centered thinking is a dead-end strategy.  People will surprise you.  Get to know them.  I mentor several college students for no other reason than the desire to help them.  And guess what?  I learn and gain just as much in return.  Working with them energizes me!

Get to know people.  Show that you care as much about them as you do your own objectives.  Take the time for a 30 or 40 minute phone call.  Make time to meet for lunch.  When you make an effort to help others, I promise you will not be disappointed with the results that unfold over time.

I'm often asked why my small business is working out so well in this tough economy.  My answer to that is very simple. I work with people.  Even though I have my own agenda and sometimes don't want to, I'll take a call on a weekend or evening.  I do this because when I look back on my career, I am literally astonished at how this simple effort makes good things happen.

I seriously doubt that I am telling you something you don't already know.  But we all get busy and forget how we got here. 

You have probably heard that most divorces occur because people just quit talking.  Don't let that happen with your customers.  Use social media to engage.

Use your time to build relationships – both personal and professional.  You may not see the end result for your small business, but it will arrive soon enough.  What else are you going to do?  You can shuffle papers in your office or watch more TV, but will that lead to sustainable results?

In many ways this is a mindset. My choice was to choose a few words that work for me.

What are yours?

I'll be traveling tomorrow, doing some serious windshield time – as well as taking a number of planned calls to engage with my community.  So, I'll probably get back to you in a couple of days. —  Jeff

If there is anything about this post that has resonated with you, please share it your community of friends with the LIKE or ShareThis buttons. 

Social Media Emotions

Given that social media networking and marketing is largely a human experience, it is logical that one can use it to tap into those common human emotions that we all share, which naturally includes needs and wants, and everything that is associated with them.

Love - JeffKorhan
Next week I'll be presenting a social media program to an association whose members are committed to providing skilled health care for residents (temporary and long-term) who are predominantly seniors.

During our pre-programming today, one of the comments that jumped out at me is that the decision for engaging with the health care services these companies provide is often an emotional one.  A couple of these natural emotions are guilt and fear.

In my mind, an excellent use of social media is to assuage these fears (guilt is another form of fear).  You may have heard the expression that fear is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real – F.E.A.R.  All of this gets me to thinking about how this insight can work for other industries.

What are the fears associated with your business.  When I operated a landscape contracting business I understood that the predominant fear was the fear of loss.  I knew my new clients were thinking … "What if we don't like the design you prepare for us?  What if the installation doesn't represent the design as we envisioned it?  And what if you don't finish the job on time or on budget?" 

You get the idea.

Consider what fears are involved with doing business with you. Now, use your blog and social media postings to quell those fears.  Provide the evidence that working with you means everything is going to be alright.

That's what most people want.

Simple, isn't it?

If you can accomplish that, you will realize the opposite emotion of fear.

Your prospects and customers will LOVE you!

Photo Credit: tanj

If there is anything about this post that you love, go ahead and share it your community of friends with the LIKE or ShareThis buttons. 

until Tomorrow,  Jeff

Small Business Lessons from the BP Flap

Click image to enlarge. The fiasco involving British Petroleum's response to the unfortunate oil rig accident – and the catastrophic environmental impact that followed, is a case study that all of us can learn from.  And we should learn from it, because accidents can and do occur every day in many different industries – involving […]

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You Cannot Be a Little Bit Social

Does social media take an investment in time?  Absolutely.  I am often asked how much time is required.  The answer I would like to give is …as much as you can give it.  Though I know that's not what most people want to hear. What Do You Really Want to Know? The truth is if […]

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The Social Media Convergence Strategy

If you are going to achieve results for your small business with your social media networking and marketing, there is one thing that you have know. This is not a linear game where you can expect results by following a predictable formula.  Nevertheless, there is some predictability in its apparent randomness that you can take […]

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Real-Time Social Media Search Analytics

SocialMention is a a real-time search platform that can help you to monitor your small business brand or personal online presence so that you make them even better. Click to Enlarge Real-Time Search I've previously commented on Collecta and Topsy for doing real-time search.  What I like about SocialMention is that it not only provides […]

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Blog Banner Blues

If you are familiar with my two-year old banner, you can see that I'm livin' large these days!  Living Large My new blog banner is definitely out of scale, but we decided to load this version up to get a look at it in its native environment. What I have come to learn is that […]

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Social Media Video Behind the Scenes

What can distinguish your small business is probably something that you do ever day in your business, and probably have fun doing it – but that most of your customers, and none of your prospects ever see. Behind The Curtain What is it?  That's for you to determine.  But I am going to suggest that […]

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Watch Your Social Media Language

Skilled social media practitioners are always mindful of their keywords for search engine and social media optimization.  But that's not what this is about. There is another language that affects the effectiveness of your social media message in even subtler ways.  I'm talking about the words that can add an element of style to your […]

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Social Media Success Happens

Every success that I have had with social media can be traced back to this: Having the faith that my efforts will eventually yield the desired results. I know that may sound like an idealistic perspective, but it is nonetheless true.  Social Media is Life You have to get in the game of life and […]

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