Archives for May 2008

Grow Your Business – Stick to What Works

Today Sergio Garcia captured his first "major" golf tournament, the lucrative and prestigious TPC at Sawgrass.  How did he do it?  He went back to the putter that worked for him eight years ago.  It’s a simple concept – stick to what works.  Or as I’ve said many times in one of my keynote presentations – Grow from What You Know!  We know what works for us but we are often encouraged to try the newest flavor of the month.  The truth is life is full of things we can’t control.  Sergio and the other PGA players had their hands full this week with the windy conditions on the challenging TPC layout, but he was able to prevail.  Somehow that putter gave him the confidence when he needed it most – especially on his final putt of regulation play.

When you are in a business situation you need to know what works FOR YOU.  When you need to get the results you are seeking, isn’t CONFIDENCE the best thing to have on your side?  Growing a small business requires the confidence that everything will work out today, despite…the competition…the current conditions of the marketplace.. or whatever you think may be holding you back.  Having the right mindset is vital.  That is everyone’s challenge.  We all have to do what only we know will work for us.  Sergiog

So, here’s my question.  What gives you confidence when you are doing what you do best in your business?  Isn’t it the knowing that you’ve been there before and succeeded – or you are working with a team that has mastered similar challenges – or you are serving up the product or service that is the best solution to your prospects needs?  Your mindset has to be fortified with confidence – anchored by what produced that confidence in the first place.   Think about what got you here.  I guarantee it will take you where you want to go!  Stick to what works in your business.  Life (and business) doesn’t have to be complicated – just do what works and stick with it.