Archives for December 2007

Get Real Sales by Blogging

I’m a sales and marketing expert, though my expertise in two specific areas seem to be merging to create a unique niche.  For nearly fifteen years I have worked with the Chopra Center for Well Being, becoming a Certified Meditation Instructor as a result of my incredible experience.  Lately, I’m teaching more as interest in meditation is on the rise, especially with business people. There are a few reasons for this, which include reducing stress, improving productivity, though the most common one is to connect with what we intuitively know as real – our true nature.  In fact, most of the stress we experience is due to the fact that our attention is scattered all over the planet!  Reconnecting through meditation grounds you and gives you great stability and strength to accomplish your goals.

What does this have to do with blogging?  If meditation helps to understand your true nature, then blogging is one of the best tools to get that unique and personal message of yours out to your market to then attract the right clients.  Last week I gave a presentation on blogging to very attentive members of the Illinois Chapter of the National Speakers Association.  We barely scratched the surface in the 90 minutes we had together, but several new blogs have been launched as a result of that meeting, including, by past president Al Lautenslager.  He kindly shared that "Everything I know about blogging I learned from Jeff Korhan."  Thanks Al!  My view is blogging is one of the best ways to connect with your clients – your audience if you are a professional speaker – because they get your real, unvarnished, and therefore, credible perspective.  In fact, web and SEO expert Kurt Scholle of Web Asylum recently informed me about a study in which the identical text was placed on a blog and a website, with the blog testing as far more credible, by something like 47%.  Interesting! This only supports my belief that blogs may well usurp some of the territory currently held by websites.  Either that or the lines between the two will become blurred as we merge the two technologies.


So how do you get more sales – GET REAL!  That’s what I tell my clients.  We’re living in a reality based society.  If there was ever a time to cut through the b.s., now is that time.  You’ll feel better, your customers will appreciate your forthrightness, and best of all, you’ll sell more of your products and services.

Right Actions – Get Out of the (Twilight) Zone

I remember this Twilight Zone episode where a box is delivered to a couple that lives in cramped, one bedroom apartment.  A note explains that if they unlock the box and push the button, someone they don’t know will die and they will receive $200,000. (I guess that was a lot of money back then!)  Anyway, they anguish over this for days until finally, they push the button.  Sure enough, a man delivers $200,000 and takes the box back.  What now happens to the box, they ask?  The man calmly responds that it will be reprogrammed and the same offer will be made to another couple. — Oops!

Box Imagine if we made choices based upon complete information about the consequences of our actions?  How could you possibly make the wrong choice?  The environmental issues we face today, as an example, would not exist.  The best part of taking the high road is your actions are sustainable.  You don’t need to worry – like the couple that pushed the button probably did!  That’s how life works.  There is an energy that works to sustain those actions that are in the best interest of everyone.  It’s a simple formula to comprehend.  We just have to challenge ourselves – to remind ourselves – to listen to that voice inside that helps us with the proper execution.