Every Business is Now a Media Company

2013.6.2. News

There was a time when every business courted the media.

They (the media) were rightfully considered business partners because they could significantly help any company interested in publicizing an event or similar happening as news.

Today, every business (large or small) is now its own media company – and that is a responsibility that should not be taken lightly.

If your business makes the effort to learn the new forms of media it can build a platform that will become an essential digital asset for connecting with current and future customers.

Consumers are Hungry for News

“Consumers will always seek relevant news and information to make better buying decisions. Before social media, their primary sources for doing so were traditional media outlets such as radio, television, newspapers, and of course, word-of-mouth. According to a study by Pew Research Center, the Internet is now the leading source of information for consumers making buying decisions – ranking even higher than the recommendations of their friends.

The idea that consumers trust the Internet more than their friends may initially seem surprising. However, it’s quite likely that they’re simply using the Internet to validate those recommendations. Of course, this spells opportunity for small businesses that are ready to take the initiative with the considerable resources available to them, to publish solutions online that will attract the attention of consumer searching for them – especially those in their local communities.”

The preceding was excerpted from Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business, by author Jeff Korhan (that’s me)

Read further for some key points about being a media company that came from a recent podcast interview with Mike Stelzner, CEO of Social Media Examiner, and host of the Social Marketing Podcast. 

Better yet, listen to the podcast too, because Mike is an exceptional interviewer. It is sure to inspire you with the possibilities that small businesses now have with respect to their media marketing.

Your Business is the News

Your business IS the news – think about that.

Traditional media such as newspapers cannot publish the news without the help of people and businesses that are “making the news.” You make it and they publish it. Got that?

So, if your business is the news, then whom better than you to tell that story, especially now that you have abundant resources for doing so, with most of them being completely free?

Broadcasting the news was a practice for which one formally had to be trained. You also required access to the necessary equipment, studios, and supporting personnel.

Today media is easy to use, and the investment is negligible. Plus, the format is very forgiving – now mistakes are even welcome because they humanize the news, making it even more interesting.

Nevertheless, please do get the necessary training and advice from sources like this blog, SocialMediaExaminer.com, ChrisBrogan.com, MariSmith.com, RazorSocial.com, and Grovo.com, to name a few.

The Best News is Specific and Relevant

Nobody knows your business and its customers better than you do.  Therefore, you can personalize your news to make it highly relevant and relatable.

This is the magic behind the success of most blogs:

The top blogs today are simply more relatable than traditional media, which makes them cool – and that gets their content shared.  (opening quote from Chapter 6 of Built-In Social).

When you use media to amplify and extend your expertise, then you become a true media company.

How to Build Your Platform

Mike Stelzner started Social Media Examiner using his expertise in the white paper business, which is a form of educational content commonly used by larger enterprises. He translated that expertise to helping small businesses with their social media marketing, and developed a digital platform is arguably priceless.

Yes, priceless. How can a price on a digital asset whose value is potentially limitless.

You can do the same in your niche.

Read more about how Mike accomplished his achievement by picking up a copy of Launch: How to Quickly Propel Your Business Beyond the Competition.

 Signing copies of Built-In Social in the Wiley booth at 2013 Book Expo America

Signing copies of Built-In Social at 2013 Book Expo America

Last week while doing a book signing at Book Expo America I had the opportunity to take some time to learn more about small businesses and what their social media challenges are. The most common topic of conversation was how can you build a platform to reach customers.

The answer is simple: Take the risk of focusing on your customers and provide answers to their top problems or desires.

What are the concerns or opportunities on the minds of your customers? That should be the focus of your media programming.

Where businesses fail with media is focusing on what they do. Instead, concentrate on what your business can do to help those that it can best serve.

In other words, use this new media to build your tribe.

That tribe is your audience. Use your media to care for them, and together you’ll make some great news with mutual benefits!

About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, helps mainstream small businesses create exceptional customer experiences that accelerate business growth. Get more from Jeff on LinkedInTwitter and Google+.

Jeff is also the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business – Just Released April 2013 (Wiley)

Download a preview of Built-In Social here.

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Be the Best at What Matters Most

Be The Best At What Matters Most

Successful companies seem to make everything look easy, because they have mastered their craft – doing only a few things, and sometimes just one thing better than any one else.

In fact, the concept of business best practices is just that – doing what needs to be done and doing it well.

In this interview with respected author and keynote speaker Joe Calloway, we discuss what makes the best companies successful, and how any business can learn how to do the same. As Joe puts it, the most successful businesses are simply rock solid at executing on the fundamentals.

Here’s the video that features our discussion of Joe Calloway’s new book, Be The Best At What Matters Most (Wiley 2013), with the three key points of that conversation summarized below.


Joe Calloway has a gift for helping companies find their focus for getting to the next level – and that starts with simplification.

For any business to get to the next level, there has to be a collective agreement among the team members on what matters most for getting there. That’s the starting point.

Entrepreneurs and small businesses especially are known to “wear many hats.”  The challenge is obviously learning which are the right hats – and then wearing them well.

Win on the Fundamentals

In recent years there has been a great of emphasis on delighting the customer by somehow creating some sort of “wow factor.”

Yet, in our current risk-averse economy, consumers today will be wowed by the assurance of knowing the basics will be done well – without exception. 

Let’s face it, consumers today have a voice and they are using it to be heard. So, if there is one thing that every company should be doing, it’s making sure there are no mistakes. This means no surprises.

Sure, we all like to have pleasant surprises, but as Joe commented in our interview, before you worry about the sizzle of the steak, make sure you get the steak right.

Take Action

In every business the greatest challenge has been and always will be taking action. This is what separates average companies from the great ones.

For small businesses, consistently taking action is what got our entrepreneurial ventures off the ground. We worked impossible hours and wore many hats.

To get to the next level requires something else – taking action on what is most important.  Find out what that is, specifically for your customers.

Then take action on that to consistently set the expectation of what your company stands for.  You can think of this as your brand, mantra, mission, or promise.

Whatever you call it, being the best at what matters most is the only strategy you will ever need. When you get that right, your marketing takes care of itself, as it is driven by the customer.

What’s the singular focus of your business?  Please share your thoughts.

About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, is the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business and host of This Old New Business podcast.

He helps mainstream businesses adapt their traditional growth practices to a digital world. Connect with Jeff on LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and Google+

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