How Consistent Content Marketing Builds Your Community

Does the media always deliver? Maybe not always, but they do tend to show up as scheduled. That’s one of the keys to building your community with content marketing.

A business chooses when it is available for serving customers. Since content marketing is designed to provide value for prospective buyers with the intent of encouraging profitable customer actions, it makes sense to apply those same standards to content marketing.

To effectively communicate what your business stands for, your content marketing must keep regular hours – just as your business does. Tweet this.

There are three reasons why consistent content marketing builds your audience.

#1 – It Builds Familiarity and Trust with Subscribers

What does it say to subscribers when the content shows up on a random basis? Doesn’t it also suggest that the products and services the business offers will be delivered in similarly unreliable manner?

Producing valuable content takes time, regardless of your level of skill. Yet, so does every other discipline that is necessary to serve your customers and earn their trust.

Therefore, when you approach content marketing (and the social media that it drives) as a necessary discipline for business success, it’s quality will rise and  your subscriber base will grow.

Everything your business does is one business channel as far as your customers are concerned. It all speaks to your level of professionalism. It shows your subscribers that you care enough about them to show up on a regular basis.

Soon, they feel like they are getting to know you and your business; and that familiarity is exactly what you want your content marketing to accomplish.

#2 – Consistent Media Production Creates Opportunities

The most obvious benefit of consistent content marketing is it allows you to plan your content, thereby making it better for your community.  If you subscribe to our weekly Web Marketing News you learned how this works on Monday.

Another benefit of regularly showing up is that you begin to notice trends, thereby heightening your awareness for particularly important breaking news.

For example, when the news of Facebook hashtags were announced quickly realized this was one of the keys to how Facebook’s Graph Search would transform Facebook marketing. Therefore, I was not surprised when my article that published that evening had generated significant traffic by morning.

When you know your schedule, you can also plan the type of content for that day. Monday is a high traffic day when many of us publish our high quality long-form content, with lighter programming such as this article arriving later in the week when most of us are busy.

When you control more of the content marketing variables, you open the door for leveraging other opportunities.

#3 – Your Content Marketing Gets Progressively Better

Every successful content marketer will tell you that following a disciplined schedule provides for gradual and progressive improvement.  These improvements include:

  • Becoming more skilled with technology
  • Recognizing the intersection of related content
  • Developing systems that increase quality and save time
  • Building a backlog of content that minimizes stress
  • Better understanding how to help your community

Everything on this list gives your business the freedom to take more risks with your content marketing, and that will in turn increase its effectiveness for serving your community.

About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, is the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business – (Wiley 2013)  

He helps mainstream businesses adapt their traditional growth practices to a digital world. Connect with Jeff on LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and Google+.

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