Facebook Contest Engages Small Business

Once in a while you come across an opportunity that is a no-brainer – such as receiving FREE stuff.

Facebook wants to help small businesses, and they believe the best way they can accomplish that is introducing you to the benefits of Facebook advertising.

FREE Facebook Advertising

So, they have launched a contest, one that will earn you up to $150 of FREE Facebook advertising just for signing up and attracting at least 100 new Facebook fans before the contest closes on April 1st.

If you are especially ambitious, you may wish to go for the opportunity to be one of ten small businesses that will win $10,000 – awarded to those that achieve the most Facebook likes during that same period.

We all know the odds againtst winning $10,000 – so let’s forget about that and just focus on what is easily achievable, as well as other tangible benefits for your small business.

Have you tried Google advertising? Most of you will answer as I will – no.

Learn How Facebook Advertising Works

So, why not give this a try on their dime?  You can reason that Facebook is trying to suck you into trying Facebook advertising, with the hopes you will then use it on a regular basis.

Is there any risk? Not from my chair. This is an opportunity to learn a new skill, one that you can later apply when the timing is right for your business.

You’ll never know until you give it a try, and you can do that by signing up right here.

I’m in. How about you?

Plus, you can use this as an opportunity to tap into the loyalty you have earned with your community to gain more fans, by encouraging them to introduce you to their friends.

Knowing that Facebook advertising is quite economical, aren’t you curious if it will help you grow your fan and customer base?

Why not learn a few things about Facebook advertising before you need to – especially if Facebook is willing to effectively train you for free?

If it proves to be a good thing, you’ll be ready to integrate it into future marketing campaigns. In other words, use this as an opportunity to gain the experience, even if you just put into a drawer for future use.

You may discover you love it – and I’m sure that is their motivation. However it works out, you will have acquired the experience to later make the right decisions for your small business.

It could come in very handy when you need it most.

Does Your Small Business Need A Boost?

In conjunction with this contest, Facebook is hosting events around the county to provide tips for using Facebook to grow your business. It’s a called Small Business Boost.

These are legitimate events put on with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Now, in the spirit of community and sharing, I can use your help. 

Please forward this to a friend that can benefit from the FREE information that is shared here, and encourage them to join our community by Liking my Facebook page.

BONUS: Here’s a hugely popular article on How to Prevent Your Facebook Account From Hackers.

If you want to learn more about Facebook advertising, watch my video interview with Amy Porterfield, co-author or Facebook Marketing for Dummies. She’s definitely got the goods on Facebook marketing.

Come back next week for an exclusive video interview with New York Times bestselling author Chris Brogan on the merits of Google+ for small business.

You don’t want to miss it!