Content Strategy: Get Ready for The Next Generation of Social Media

This Old New Business Podcast with Jeff Korhan

This is Episode 16 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan.

In this episode we chat with Rich Brooks. He is the owner of Flyte New Media, a digital marketing agency that he has owned for over 17 years.

Rich not only demystifies social media and content marketing, he offers practical tips for budgeting your investment of time and money to its accomplishment, whether you do the work in-house or hire an outside agency.

Rich shares a wealth of practical experience and delivers it with his wonderful sense of humor. So, get ready to laugh and learn.

Our Featured Guest: Rich Brooks

Content Strategy: Get Ready for The Next Generation of Social Media Rich Brooks is the founder and president of Flyte New Media, a web design and marketing firm in Portland, Maine.

He is also the founder of The Agents of Change Digital Marketing Conference and host of The Marketing Agents Podcast, where he interviews marketing experts from around the world on search, social & mobile marketing.

Rich is an expert blogger, frequent television guest, and a web marketing and social media teacher for entrepreneurs.

Social Media Follows Content Strategy

Rich likes to think of social media as an accelerant that speeds up or amplifies your marketing message. For it to work in your favor, your business needs to clear on two points:

#1 – What does your business do?

#2 – Who are you trying to reach?

The responses to these questions have to not only be definitive, but so obvious as to not be subject to interpretation. To achieve greater clarity, it is helpful to define what your business will not do, as well as who it prefers not to reach.

As social media advances to the next generation, every business needs to be clear about its purpose and who it can help. More important, this needs to be represented well in its content.

Your content strategy drives your social media strategy, and of course the tactics that follow. It all has to be aligned.

Focus on the Right Conversations

Most businesses are aware of the fact that conversations that affect their business are happening online. Naturally, they want to get into it!

Slow down. Instead of simply jumping into social media like every other business, consider taking a narrow approach to get started right. Consider choosing just one social media channel and master it.

It’s one thing to be on the periphery of online conversations on multiple channels. Yet, that is not going to significantly impact your business. Rich suggests carefully building your strategy for accurate and timely deliverly of valuable content.

Deliver the right content, to the right people, at the right time. Tweet this

Invest in The Future of Your Business

When a business creates valuable content, and owns it, it is investing in its future. Those words from Rich nicely handle the myriad questions businesses ask about content, including what type of content to create, how frequently, and why.

Creating content for the platforms you own should be priority. These owned media platforms include your website, blog, and email newsletter. What happens after that with the respective social media channels ideally amplifies and accelerates your message.

Is your business ready for the next generation of social media? 

Lighting Round Tips and Advice

Rich’s Top Sales or Marketing Advice – Consistently provide incredibly valuable content for your audience.

His Favorite Productivity Tip – Delegate. There is always someone that is better at doing what you need to get done so that you can focus on what you do best.

A Quote that has Inspired Rich’s Success – “Luck favors the prepared” (and) “No capes!” – both from Edna ‘E’ Mode in the animated film The Incredibles. Work hard to be prepared for life’s opportunities, and avoid adding anything to the mix that may compromise the accomplishment of your goals.

Key Take-Aways

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About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, is the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business and host of This Old New Business podcast.

He helps mainstream businesses adapt their traditional growth practices to a digital world. Connect with Jeff on LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and Google+