Personal Branding: How to Achieve Consistent Marketing Clarity

Personal Branding: How to Achieve Consistent Marketing Clarity

This is Episode 45 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan.

Those that know and follow Larry’s work have come to appreciate his unique point of view and no-nonsense approach that indeed is his brand.

If by chance you are not familiar with Larry Winget, get ready to be energized, because this guy is the real deal. Larry’s fresh perspective on all things will help you sharpen your thinking and stand out to be known for what you do best.

Our Featured Guest: Larry Winget

Personal Branding: How to Achieve Consistent Marketing ClarityLarry Winget is a bestselling author, television personality, social commentator and internationally acclaimed speaker. His newest book, Grow A Pair: How To Stop Being a Victim and Take Back Your Life, Your Business and Your Sanity is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller.

In addition to starring in his own television series on A&E, Larry has appeared on Dr. Phil, The Today Show, and in three national television commercials. Larry’s expertise extends from business success to parenting, and he is well known as the Pitbull of Personal Development®.

Be Known for Who You Are

According to Larry Winget, the surest way to build a powerful brand is taking a stand and not wavering from it. That focus brings clarity to both the business and the audience it serves.

For small businesses, this is most readily accomplished by building your brand upon the foundation of who you are, not necessarily what you say or do, because people naturally respond to what is honest and authentic.Personal Branding: How to Achieve Consistent Marketing Clarity

Memorable brands are known for a particular style, message or point of view. For Larry Winget, this is his no-nonsense point of view on a wide range of topics, what he refers to as “having one way to say 1000 things for a small but fiercely loyal group.”

Compare that branding approach to havng 1000’s of ways to say one thing – such as being the low-price leader – to a massive group. Both are attainable, but it makes more sense to build a brand on honesty and authenticity that cannot be easily matched. 

I’d love to hear your thoughts on personal branding?  Meet me over on Twitter to take the conversation further.

Lighting Round Tips and Advice

Larry’s Top Sales or Marketing Advice – Focus on the value you bring to others.

His Favorite Productivity Tip – Get the bulk of the work that needs to be done completed early in the day when your energy level is highest.

A Quote that has Inspired Larry’s Success – “Things that are easy to do are just as easy not to do.” Jim Rohn

Key Take-Aways

  • Learn why Larry believes it’s important to have a bias and speak up about your opinions at 18:33 minutes into this episode.
  • These days we read and hear a lot about thought leadership. Get Larry’s take on this controversial topic at the 22:00 mark.
  • You can learn more from Larry by following his Facebook Fan Page
  • Larry has all kinds of free and premium resources available at, where you can pick up a copy of his latest book.

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About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, is the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business and host of This Old New Business podcast.

He helps mainstream businesses adapt their traditional growth practices to a digital world. Connect with Jeff on LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and Google+

3 Website Optimization Tips that Sell

3 Website Optimization Tips that Sell

As you know, selling with social media involves driving traffic to your primary website and subscriber list so you can convert that interest into profitable outcomes. So, let’s talk about how to better optimize your website content.

#1 ­ Answer the Most Important Questions

In my social selling program at Social Media Marketing World 2015 we discussed the importance of removing buying obstacles to increase sales. Buyers are looking for solutions to their problems; so your website has to answer the most relevant questions before buyers will hire a company like yours.

This weekend I updated the About and Speaking pages of my primary site. These may give you some ideas. I still have to add some new video, but just about everything else is fresh.

Other than the home page, what are the pages where visitors are making decisions about whether to hire your business? Determine those top converting pages and freshen them up.

#2 – Search Your Outbox for Solutions that Sell

If you are wondering what the most relevant buying questions are, look no further than your outbox. In addition to helping customers individually, take your solutions and optimize them for your website and blog, starting with the headline.

The headline is the most important SEO quality of your online content. Optimize it by thinking like a buyer that has a problem in need of a solution. As an example, the headline for this post addresses a relevant small business concern: How do I optimize my website?  It also answers why you want to optimize at all, which is to sell.

#3 – Replace Dead Ends with Calls to Action

You as the seller have to guide your buyer on their journey. In terms of website optimization this means having a call to action on every single page. This is usually a link to more and better information and resources. Whatever you do, don’t leave them hanging or they will move on to another website.

If your business offers a high value subscription resource such as a newsletter or podcast, then encourage visitors to sign­up so you can help them further.

It’s also possible your visitors are ready to buy now. So, don’t be shy about sharing how your business can be contacted. My preference is a contact form, but a phone number is vital for buyers that prefer that communication channel.

When we think of website optimization, the first thing that comes to mind is probably keywords. That’s optimization for search engines. These three tips are about optimizing for real people that buy what your business sells.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on website optimization? Meet me over on Twitter to take the conversation further.

About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, is the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business and host of This Old New Business podcast.

He helps mainstream businesses adapt their traditional growth practices to a digital world. Connect with Jeff on LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and Google+

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