10 Blog Commenting Strategies

Here are 10 simple blog commenting strategies that will help you to reach out and release your commenting genius.

These strategies offer valuable benefits for moving out of the shadows by sharing a few words on your favorite blogs that will help you to better engage with your communities.

Sharing - JeffKorhan.com

1. Introduce Yourself – Bloggers are friendly people and they want to meet you.  Say hello.  Let us know where you are from.  Commenting doesn’t get any easier than this!

2. Provide Constructive Feedback –  Giving a blogger a heads up on a new resource helps them to stay on top of their game.  And they may just come back and share a resource that you can use.

3. Give Encouragement – Blogging is work!  Nothing makes us feel better than appreciative comments.

4. Provide a New Perspective – We all tend to see things our way.  Your viewpoint may inspire a follow-up post on the same topic – and the classier bloggers will give a friendly shout-out that links back to you (and helps your SEO).

5. Make a Call to Action – That’s right, if you are using social media to accomplish something, someone has to make the first move.  Suggest a meet-up to get better acquainted and talk business.

6. Share – This is a primary strategy for many social networkers, and one that helps to build relationships.  I love to do this because it makes me feel good to share, and I know I’m not alone.  This is big reason we all come to hang out at this big party.  We have a good time helping each other out.

7. Join the Community – We all have our favorite social media communities.  When you get out of your comfort zone and join a new one (and give it a fair chance), you will often discover new ideas that have you grinning and thanking yourself for taking a bold move.

8. Extend an Invitation to Join Your Tribe – The flip side of joining a community is making an invitation to join yours.  I’ve had several people reach out to me after reading my blog and I’m so glad they did.  Remember that this is one planet and all of these social communities eventually merge into one.  Expand your horizons.

9. Offer to Help – This is a great way to accomplish many objectives.   How about offering to write a guest blog.  Maybe you could offer to be interviewed on a subject that relates to the blog.  Bloggers are always looking for ways to liven up their methods of presentation.

10. Double-Back with a Success Story – Nothing is more gratifying to a blogger than hearing about a success story.  It tells them that you took the time to not just read their blog, but you put those ideas in action to prove their value.  If someone did that to me, I would be sure to blog that out to my readers.

Here’s the value-added:

Comments are social media objects.  Every now and then a comment gets indexed to capture your words and share them with the social web. And the results can be truly magical.

The problem is you don’t know when or where this will happen.  And that’s o.k. because those web objects are like seeds of potentiality.  They may blow around for a while until one day finding fertile ground when they connect you with a new relationship that just may change the course of your business.

There are hundreds of you out there that read this blog every day.

How about sharing your commenting strategies in a comment below?

About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, helps mainstream small businesses create exceptional customer experiences that accelerate business growth. Get more from Jeff on LinkedInTwitter and Google+.

Jeff is also the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business – (Wiley 2013)

Photo Credit:  Jeff Bauche