Are You Joyful When You Write?

Writing is a creative process – one that requires something more than focus to produce favorable results.

The last few weeks I have been in a writing slump.

The quality of my work has ranged from acceptable to exceptional. However, until I made a significant breakthrough, the process for achieving it all could only be described as work.

Salespeople Know This Trick

Successful sales professionals engage in their process with the expectation that they will make a sale.  So, in addition to their technical preparation, they are always mindful of having a positive state of mind and a pleasant disposition that sets the stage for productive results.

My writing breakthrough occurred just a few days ago when I suddenly noticed I was having fun again.  As a result, I lost all track of time and the ideas just flowed.

I realized I was approaching my long list of writing projects with the wrong attitude – as work to fill a page and meet a deadline.  When you approach your craft as work, that is exactly what you will get.

Just Smile

Try this – put a smile on your face and just know that the ideas will come.  This relaxes your brain and creates a space for favorable outcomes. Just as a salesperson has to put on a happy face regardless of their current mental state, so should writers (and marketers) like you and me.

Are you stuck on the title of your blog?  Can’t find a clever way to say thank you for a retweet from an influential colleague?  Just smile and let the ideas flow.

It somehow engages that part of you that matters most for making a connection with your audience.

I’m actually astonished that I only recently discovered this, because for years as a professional speaker I’ve known that when the right words are not coming to you the smartest thing you can do is this:

Pause, look squarely at the audience – and smile.

What happens after that is often better than you could have imagined.

It can be magical!

Inject some joy into your craft and let me know what you discover.

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Until tomorrow,  Jeff