3 Tips for Increasing Network Value and Influence

Network Influence: 3 Tips for Increasing the Value of Your Network

In our connected world network influence is derived from the strength of your network, or more accurately, the collective ecosystem comprised of your on and offline networks.

It’s not the size of a network that matters as much as it’s responsiveness to affecting change, which of course is only possible when the network both values and trusts you and the others within it.

Weak connections are best described as followers, and to a degree, fans too. While that connectivity provides potential value, it is just the starting point for building and sustaining true influence.

Influence is the ability to inspire or otherwise move people to action, and that is an invaluable quality in both business and personal endeavors. The following three tips will help you enhance your influence by increasing the value of your network.

#1 – Nurture Personal Relationships

Personal relationships are the foundation of every network, and the most effective means for nurturing them is to be helpful by offering value.

Adding value to your network reflects favorably on you and those with whom you share, thereby increasing the value of the entire network, and especially for those within it that are the most connected.

Power and influence used to be localized within organizations and institutions. However, in a connected economy, the greatest influence is the result of leveraging the collective power of interconnected networks.

#2 – Collaborate with Like-Minded Friends

A couple of weeks ago I launched my first podcast. Entitled This Old New Business Podcast, it is a series of interviews with successful sales and marketing experts, all of whom have extensive personal networks.

When each episode is published, I share with my network friends and the guests do the same with theirs. This collaboration enriches our respective networks as cross-connections make new introductions between them.

This win-win is just one reason why I am so enthused about podcasts. You can find a listing of our most recent episodes below

#3 – Support the Collective Community

Some people are naturally wired to be connectors. The rest of us have to get more comfortable with the possibilities new connections create.

I believe the reason for this is that most people are givers, and traditional networking feels a lot like taking. Fortunately, the solution these days is to focus on forging new connections and providing value whenever possible.

Giving not only raises the value of the global network, it’s also personally rewarding. Knowing that it all eventually comes back to you should make networking an enjoyable, productive, and profitable practice in this digital, social, and global business environment.

About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, is the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business and host of This Old New Business podcast.

He helps mainstream businesses adapt their traditional growth practices to a digital world. Connect with Jeff on LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and Google+

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