Podcast Guest: How to Be the One that Gets Invited Back

Podcast Guest: How to Be the One That Gets Invited Back

This is Episode 66 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan.

Mark Sanborn is a hall of fame speaker and author of the international bestseller The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Turn the Ordinary into the Extraordinary. His expertise on leadership, team building, and customer service has been shared with thousands of audiences around the world.

Make it Your Goal to Serve the Audience

Mark Sanborn shares seven steps to follow that will make your podcast guest appearance one that is memorable and value-packed, so that you become the one that gets invited back and recommended to others.

#1 – Know the Purpose of the Show

Podcast show hosts invite guests that can deliver value for the audience. That is only possible when you understand the purpose of the broadcast. Have the host explain why he or she is inviting you onto the show so you can have that clarity so you can:

  1. Deliver Value
  2. Demonstrate Expertise

#2 – Understand the Audience

When you understand the audience you can tailor your expertise and stories for them. Mark Sanborn believes showing up prepared is essential. This should include listening to prior episodes and thoroughly researching the host and the show. He says, “A true pro never wings it. They simply show up so prepared that they just look like they are.”

#3 – Be Aware of Transitions and Verbal Patterns

Everyone eventually finds themselves using verbal catchphrases or tics such as yeah, you know, awesome, right and so. These are usually minor but can become annoying to listeners when they are overly repetitive. Awareness is usually the cure.

More important is to make smooth transitions when the conversation shifts from the host to the guest. Listening well to understand the track the host is taking will serve you well.

#4 – Balance the Conversation Rhythm and Flow

Mark Sanborn believes a conversation that has good energy is what most audiences want. If the energy is low you have to pick it up. Conversely, it may be necessary to settle things down to keep listeners engaged if the energy starts to get too frenetic.

#5 – Reverse the Roles

The best podcast shows feel like two friends having sharing lots of great ideas and enjoying each other’s company. Because most shows follow a format of the host asking questions and the guest answering, one technique Mark Sanborn suggests considering is a role reversal.

One way to do this is responding, “I love what you just said.” Then ask the host a question. This changes the tempo that makes the conversation feel less scripted and more interesting.

#6 – Help Promote the Show

There is nothing a podcast show host appreciates more than a guest that helps to share the value that they have helped to create. The reason for this is about half of all guests do little or nothing. Be the one that works to promote the show.

Then go the extra mile to leave an honest rating or review for the show. It will be appreciated and you will be remembered for it.

#7 – Recommend and Introduce Guests

A personal recommendation to a friend that can contribute value and expertise to the show’s audience is always welcome. Even if the host has connections, a relationship introduction shows you care enough to help.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on being a podcast guest. Meet me over on Twitter to take the conversation further.

Podcast Guest: How to Be the One that Gets Invited Back Key Take-Aways

“You never want to be the star of your own show.” – Johnny Carson. This is a quote Johnny shared with Mark Sanborn’s friend Ross Shafer when he was a guest on the Tonight Show.

Learn more about Mark and access his resources on leadership and turning the ordinary into extraordinary at MarkSanborn.com


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About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, is the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business and host of This Old New Business podcast.

He helps organizations use media to create exceptional customer experiences that drive business growth in a digital, social and global world. Connect with Jeff on LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and Google+

Podcasting for Events: How to Create Valuable Content and Networking

This is Episode 29 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan.

Podcasting for Events: How to Create Valuable Content and Networking

Craig Price has been a podcaster since the days when most people couldn’t even figure out how to download a podcast to their mobile device. Now that podcasting is cool again, it’s interesting to learn how the pros have managed and evolved with their shows over time.

As a professional speaker, Craig Price learned from the beginning how to use podcasting for creating valuable content and networking at live events.

Listen in as Craig shares how to use podcasting for events to make new friends, and build your business in the process. Everyone wants to tell their story, so this practice is one that could make you quite popular at your next industry conference or trade show.

Our Featured Guest: Craig Price

Podcasting for Events: How to Create Valuable Content  and NetworkingCraig Price is the host and producer of the popular Reality Check with Craig Price podcast. Each week Craig Price sits down to discover the “reality” of someone’s profession or expertise. You can listen to past episodes and subscribe to his podcast at realitycheckpodcast.com

Learn What Your Audience Wants

Craig Price started podcasting five years ago simply because he enjoyed learning from podcasts and decided it could be another way to offer value to his audience.

As a professional speaker Craig works with a variety of audiences, which is reflected in his Reality Check podcast.  He believes people are interested in learning something new, and giving it to them honors a commitment to the audience. 

Craig Price tries new approaches to learn more about his audience and what they want. The result is intentionally keeping his podcast “nicheless.” Guests have ranged from an active FBI agent to a brothel owner, along with regular people from all walks of life.

Experiment with Event Podcasting

Craig’s first podcast episodes involved simply taking basic recording to a convention and inviting people to share their story. Not surprisingly, the ten available openings were quickly filled.

The podcasts Craig Price creates for events not only profile his show and its guests, they also create valuable content that helps to promote the event, before, during, and what follows thereafter. As you may imagine, event organizers are warming up to podcasting as a networking and promotional tool.

Live Event Podcasting Recommendations

  • Skype or telephone interviews with attendees before the event
  • Live commentary or one-to-one interviews during the event
  • A panel discussion as an general event session
  • Recapping or summarizing the event as a closing keynote

Of course, if the resources are available, any podcast can also include a video component. For example, some video podcasts are recorded with Google Hangouts, which stream live to YouTube and are then captured as recorded video.

Have you considered podcasting to create valuable content and enhance networking opportunities at your event?

Lighting Round Tips and Advice

Craigs’s Top Sales or Marketing Advice – Request LinkedIn recommendations. Craig Price finds they are easy to get if you simply ask after delivering quality work.

His Favorite Productivity Tip – “Worst to first.” This is Craig’s approach to productivity: Tackle the tough projects first thing. Although, he suggests everyone find what works best for them.

A Quote that has Inspired Craig’s Success – Instead of quotes, Craig likes to surround himself with reminders of his most meaningful accomplishments.

Key Take-Aways

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If you enjoyed this episode of This Old New Marketing podcast, please head over to iTunes or Stitcher to leave a rating, write a review, or subscribe.

About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, is the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business and host of This Old New Business podcast.

He helps mainstream businesses adapt their traditional growth practices to a digital world. Connect with Jeff on LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and Google+

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