Content Warfare: Writing a Marketing Anthem

Content Warfare: Writing a Marketing Anthem

This is Episode 30 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan.

In this episode we welcome Ryan Hanley back as our first repeat guest.

If you have considered writing a book, you’ll be interested in learning the unique approach Ryan used to self-publish Content Warfare, his first book.

There’s more.

You’ll learn Ryan’s storytelling process and how to use it to change how you talk about your business, thereby more effectively differentiating it. That’s just one of the many content marketing takeways you can expect.

Our Featured Guest: Ryan Hanley

Content Warfare: Writing a Marketing AnthemRyan Hanley is the Vice President of Digital Marketing for, a national lead generation platform delivering over 7,000 leads a month to insurance agents across the country. Ryan also produces the Content Warfare Podcast — and recently published his first book, Content Warfare: How to find your audience, tell your story, and win the battle for attention online.

Your Brand Story is a Marketing Anthem

One of the challenges for content marketers today, and presumably for the foreseeable future, is content marketing is a practice that is largely misunderstood. This is why Ryan wrote Content Warfare as a content marketing anthem.

The battle for attention online is why every business needs a marketing anthem that takes a stand for what you believe. If you are reading this you know that creating “me to” content, while prevalent, is pointless.

Getting noticed online is getting increasingly difficult. This is why you need epic content that people want to consume and share. This calls for new methods that focus on building your essential content marketing assets, namely, your website, blog, enewsletter, and one or two social media channels.

Content WarfareLearn How To Tell Your Story

Effective marketing these days is a media first process in which marketers typically lead with a story. According to Ryan, if you have business experience you have a story to tell. He says your story lies at the intersection of three elements.

  • Company – Who you are and why you are here doing the work you do.
  • Client – Businesses need to know what gets their customers out of bed in the morning.
  • Community – This is your audience. Show them you are one of them.

How is your business winning the battle  for the attention of its customers?

Lighting Round Tips and Advice

Ryan’s Top Sales or Marketing Advice – Be transparent. If you admit your faults, people will trust you on your strengths.

His Favorite Productivity Tip – Check out for personal productivity task and project management.

A Quote that has Inspired Ryan’s Success – “Never half-ass two things; whole-ass one thing.” Ron Swanson

Key Take-Aways

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About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, is the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business and host of This Old New Business podcast.

He helps mainstream businesses adapt their traditional growth practices to a digital world. Connect with Jeff on LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and Google+