Communicate a Bigger Vision with Content Marketing

If your marketing could only accomplish one thing, what would it be?

Retailers would say getting buyers into the store, because that’s where they can best convert interest into favorable outcomes. If conversion happens on your website, you want your marketing to take buyers there.

Then what happens? That’s what buyers want to know.

Marketing used to open doors. Now it must communicate what happens after they are opened. Tweet this

What makes content marketing so much more powerful than traditional marketing is that it can convince people your business is the one for them.

The Internet is Your Shark Tank

The sales team used to make the first impression with new buyers. These days your content marketing and social media accomplish this, or should.

How clearly does your your online marketing communicate what your business can do for its customers?

This is not a time to be shy. A bold vision that creates big expectations is what most buyers want, as opposed to vague commentary that attempts to speak to everyone, and therefore, speaks to nobody.

The smartest marketing of all communicates the business has done its homework. It speaks to buyers in language that resonates with their worldview. It also sets expectations for what happens after they open the door.

In other words, it confidently takes a stand.

I don’t watch much television, but when I go to the gym I often catch a few minutes of the Shark Tank business reality show. Usually it is painful to watch how the “sharks” take a bite out of the wishful entrepreneurs.

They remind me of Bon Jovi’s Living On a Prayer. It’s a great song, but living on a prayer is not such a good way to launch or sustain an entrepreneurial venture. One has to be prepared, and that has to be reflected in your sales and marketing, whichever comes first.

In my former landscape business, our first physical meeting was that vital first impression. So, we not only scripted it, we rehearsed it, practiced it live, debriefed, and started all over again a little better prepared for the next one.

If you are wondering, yes, we failed a lot until we got it right.

Just as the business experts on The Shark Tank are skeptical, so are your buyers. This naturally brings a lot of anxiety to selling and marketing, especially because we all usually have just one shot at winning the confidence of a particular buyer.

So, be ready to make strong moves. Study your website and social media channels. Is your business showing up with preparedness and a fresh vision that gives your buyer confidence?

Here’s one Shark Tank entrepreneur that was ready from the very first moment. He was ready for no, and for yes. In fact, he took yes to the next level by making Mark Cuban his co-star.

For you and me, that’s our customer.

Create marketing that captures your vision for taking your customers higher than they thought possible. It starts with a vision.

Find the Solution to One Chronic Problem

Just one final thought on this topic.

Business success is often as simple as solving one little problem that a lot of people share. You probably already know what that is in your industry. It’s usually related to trust, and it prevents buyers from engaging with companies like yours.

There is no shortage of money out there for solutions that work. Find the path to it by communicating a big vision with your marketing.

 About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, is the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business and host of This Old New Business podcast.

He helps mainstream businesses adapt their traditional growth practices to a digital world. Connect with Jeff on LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and Google+

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The Power of Purpose Driven Marketing

One of the major shifts in marketing that was readily apparent in many of the Super Bowl commercials is creating an emotional connection with the audience.

How one feels about your business brand is memorable, because it takes meaningful content to create that feeling.

Big brands are embracing purpose driven marketing because it’s proving to be a powerful differentiator in crowded markets, and for good reason.

Marketing Purpose Comes from Within

The reason purpose works to differentiate marketing is it’s not an idea created for a marketing campaign. It’s personal to the business; and it comes from within.

If you are a meditation or yoga practitioner you know these disciplines bring your attention inward, thereby liberating your most authentic qualities. When you focus on understanding yourself, you are then better equipped to help others.

The same holds for true for business.

You and your team have to do a self-inquiry to determine that one special and often personal human quality about your business that will resonate with your community.

The key is recognizing purpose isn’t a business quality, it’s personal.

Would you like some examples? Online retailer Zappos is known for having fun. Whole Foods cares about the local community. These are not business qualities. They are personal or social qualities that are part of the business culture.

The Authentic Truth Resonates with Customers

It is important not to overthink this. Your purpose doesn’t have to be overly unique, but it must be true.”

What’s true about your business that is somehow not being reflected in your marketing?

The authentic truth about a business always resonates with customers because it’s built into the fabric of the organization.

One of the advantages of embracing purpose driven marketing is that is unifies your marketing, sales, and customer service efforts. This instantly simplifies your social media marketing efforts, while also helping to better leverage the unique qualities of each respective social channel.

What’s exciting about purpose driven marketing is that singular focus provides clarity that simplifies, and that’s essential in our increasingly complex digital world.

Thus, it’s not surprising that a recent article in Advertising Age made a bold claim about purpose driven marketing: “This is the future of the industry.”

How does your business want its customers to feel?

About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, is the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business – (Wiley 2013)  

He helps mainstream businesses adapt their traditional growth practices to a digital world. Connect with Jeff on LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and Google+.

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