Community Value: How to Grow Your Business Audience

This Old New Business Podcast with Jeff Korhan

This is Episode 12 of This Old New Business weekly business podcast with Jeff Korhan.

John Lee Dumas has built a spectacularly successful online business in a very short period of time.

He is best known as the founder of EntrepreneurOnFire, a daily podcast show launched just two short years ago that is now approaching one million monthly downloads, not to mention earning millions of dollars in annual revenue.

Out of that vibrant community, John and his team have created additional communities that are profitable micro-businesses in their own right.

If you want to grow an online community that supports your business, then listen in as John shares how a singular focus on community value makes everything possible.

Our Featured Guest: John Lee Dumas

Community Value: How to Build Your Business AudienceJohn Lee Dumas is the Founder and Host of EntrepreneurOnFire, a top ranked podcast named “Best in iTunes 2013”.

John interviews today’s most inspiring and successful Entrepreneurs 7-days a week, and has been featured in Forbes, TIME and Inc. Magazines.

He is also the Founder of Podcasters’ Paradise, a community where podcasters learn to create, grow, and monetize their podcast.

#1 – Unleash Your Journey to Success

Success in any endeavor is largely the result of the energy and enthusiasm you bring to it.  For that to happen, John recommends not stopping until you find the one thing that unleashes your full potential.

For John this aha moment was discovering the lack of a daily podcast show for helping aspiring entrepreneurs like himself.

After more than 700 episodes of sharing the inspiring journeys of successful entrepreneurs, John still gets fired up every day by talking to amazing entreprenurs. Their successes, failures, and aha moments feed the appetite of the entire EntrepreneurOnFire community.

#2 – It’s All About the Community Value

The surest way to grow an audience is adding value that helps the community to accomplish more. Listening to the EOFire community, John discovered many want to learn how to create, grow, and monetize a podcast. As a result, Podcaster’s Paradise was born.

This podcast is a result of my being one of the first members of that community that is now over 1,400 strong. In addition to learning from the educational content John and his team provide, there is invaluable interaction among the majority of members on the private Facebook page.

#3 – Build Momentum that Becomes a Movement

The best communties are dynamic ecosystems that support everyone equally, and that certainly holds true for the Podcast Paradisers. This international podcasting community actively provides productive criticism and support for each other within the Facebook group. It’s an invaluable resource for keeping pace with the red-hot podcasting movement.

The growth of EntrepreneurOnFire led to the birth of the Podcasters’ Paradise community, and it in turn gave rise to still another community: WebinarOnFire. Both communities were a response to the desire for premium content that addressed specific needs.  

Want to grow your business audience? Find that thing that ignites your energy and enthusism and build an audience around it with community value.

It just may become a movement that exceeds your greatest expectations.

Lighting Round Tips and Advice

John’s Top Sales or Marketing Advice – Love your calendar. Then you will have more time for providng value and growing your audience. John uses the ScheduleOnce service to accomplish this.

His Favorite Productivity Tip – Increase your focus using the Focus@Will app.

A Quote that has Inspired John’s Success – “Try not to become a person of success, but rather become a person of value.” – Albert Einstein

Key Take-Aways

  • John believes the future of podcasting is niche podcasts. Serve that audience that is aligned with what you deeply care about.
  • John mentioned  Wishlist Member as an economical WordPress plugin for creating a membership site. Wishlist Insider is the premium membership community that supports Wishlist Member users.
  • Connect with John at to take advangage of his FREE weekly podcast workshop and FREE webinar workshops every other week.

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How is your business providing value to its online communities?

About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, is the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business and host of This Old New Business podcast.

He helps mainstream businesses adapt their traditional growth practices to a digital world. Connect with Jeff on LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and Google+