Social Media Success in Two Words or Less Social Media

How is your business leveraging the unique qualities of each major social media channel?

One of the commonly expressed social media challenges is communicating a congruent business or brand message while managing multiple social channels.

The solution is to distill the primary success factor for each social media channel into just a couple of words – or less.

Then commit these words to memory to organize your social media marketing process.

Each social network has a theme that can be defined in two words or less

Use this to guide your social media marketing.

LinkedIn is for Business Professionals

The true power of LinkedIn is in your second connections. If you are making connections on LinkedIn to create new opportunities, just as you would by exchanging business cards at live events, you will discover that your hundreds of first connections translate to hundred thousands of second connections.

Thus, you only have to connect the dots on LinkedIn to create more business opportunities than you can probably handle.

Facebook is for Showing Off

The cardinal rule of Facebook is to keep everything positive. You want to show off – to celebrate life and business – and to help others do the same by leaving encouraging comments or sharing their message on your newsfeed.

There is often more than one view to certain issues. Therefore, it’s best to simply support your view and those of your friends. Anything else is counterproductive.

Twitter is a Fire Hose

Twitter is as close to traditional marketing as you will get with social media. The Twitter stream is largely populated by advertisements, announcements, and a blend of conversations. Many of them announce “look at this,” a good number say “buy me,” and some ask “how are you doing today?”

If you use Twitter to accomplish all three, you will get the most value from it.

Pinterest is Visual

Photo pinning site Pinterest is clearly visual. Pinterest is commonly used to share photos to communicate what you are passionate about. While this is effective, you can take it a step further.

A more useful way for leveraging Pinterest for business is to create “how-to” images that illustrate how to best use your products or services.

Instagram is Intimate

Instagram is seductively intimate, at least for now. This was true for Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks during their early days. Plus, Instagram seamlessly integrates with Facebook to give your photos further reach on larger platform.

Therefore, use Instagram to be more intimate and personal with your communities, while also leveraging its integration with Facebook. Also, be sure to use hashtags with Instagram to drive your message on its platform – and Facebook.

YouTube is Experiential

Your business should consider using YouTube to take your ideal buyers on an experiential journey.

The number one challenge of local businesses is getting people into the store.

A viable social media strategy for accomplishing this is to create videos for using YouTube to bring the in-store experience to new buyers.

Google+ is an Identity Service

Google+ wants to be everyone’s window to the social web. 

Just recently Google+ began rolling out personal URLs for everyone. This is a signal of things to come; namely, that Google+ wants to be everyone’s window to the social web.

Initially thought to be Google’s answer to Facebook, Google+ has proved to be much more than a social network. By allowing users to import their feeds from where they publish content around the web (including other social networks), Google can more easily index that information for search.

You cannot ignore Google+ if your business wants to be relevant for the millions of consumers that are searching the web to find new businesses to serve their needs.

Back to you. 

How is your business leveraging the unique qualities of each major social media channel?

About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, helps mainstream small businesses create exceptional customer experiences that accelerate business growth. Get more from Jeff on LinkedInTwitter and Google+.

Jeff is also the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business – (Wiley 2013)

Photo Credit

Why Facebook Really Bought Instagram

The purchase of Instagram by Facebook is classic forward thinking – strategically preparing for where business is going.

Instagram is a photo sharing application that also allows for creative enhancement of photos via a few clicks on your mobile device.

Facebook isn’t buying technology – they are extending their reach into new communities on a platform that is actively engaged around the one element that has been responsible for the phenomenal growth of Facebook – photo sharing.

More specifically, Instagram has nailed the sweet spot of photo sharing – the intersection of mobile and social.

That intersection is not only where users are engaging with Facebook and Instagram, but also where customers are accessing businesses like yours online, especially local businesses.

Why Businesses Should Get Serious About Photos

The challenge for any business or social network like Facebook is building and maintaining the attention of their customers or users.

More than ever, you are in the attention business – and engaging photos that command attention give you exactly that. 

One of the primary reasons Facebook has such a commanding lead over its competitors is they are the largest photo sharing site on the web. Of course, competitors such as Google+ are also creatively using photos to make profiles more engaging.

This is precisely why Facebook countered their efforts with the now infamous Timeline. You love it when it works, but hate it because its prominence on your Facebook profile or page demands a high quality visual image.

Thus, you now have to get serious about building an inventory of quality images that speak to the value your business provides.

Photos Enhance Awareness and Attention

When I was in college we didn’t have digital technology – photos were taken with film. The process of producing quality images required time to have the film developed, and the monetary cost associated with it. As you can imagine, photos were taken with care – just like a professional.

As a result of these challenges, one of my landscape architecture professors suggested we first photograph our sites without using any film, for the sole purpose of enhancing our awareness and perception of what matters.

When you carefully frame a photo you instantly become more aware of both your general surroundings and the specific elements within it.

Not surprisingly, after simply framing dozens of photos I could easily sketch the entire site in surprising detail in a matter of minutes – without even looking at it. It is an amazingly powerful exercise!

Taking photos tunes you into your world and helps you to capture what you may have otherwise missed. It’s an exercise in study, patience, and attention.

Have you noticed your photos don’t always capture what you believe you experienced? That’s the power of Instagram – it allows you to layer in those magical nuances that are very real in your imagination.

Facebook wants your attention.

You want the attention of your prospects and customers.

Take more photos – good ones.

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Until next time, Jeff

Photo Credit: Arty Smokes