Selling With Social

Social media is media that happens to be social.

To use it well it’s necessary to think like a media company, such as NBC, ESPN, or HBO. All of these companies manage multiple networks or channels that collectively represent their business brand for a socially influenced community.

Once you develop that essential mindset you are equipped to build a better social media presence, which you can later fine-tune it as you acquire more experience.

Sharing Earns Permission

You are ultimately doing this to earn permission to sell, and that is something that happens over time. Permission is earned, not taken.

Whether you are using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or any of the other social networks, the approach is always the same. You have to share content across multiple channels to attract and hold the attention of your audience so that you can occasionally make business offers.

Social marketing is a process of earning attention, then familiarity, and finally trust.

The idea is to use your social media to give your community something that gets them talking favorably about your business—then leverage its power.

When you do that, you respect the fact that nobody wants to be pressured to buy. Instead, develop a community that wants to be connected with your business—a tribe of fans that share common interests.

And what do fans do? They buy souvenirs.

Souvenirs are Symbols of Trust

We typically think of souvenirs as low-value, throwaway items. However, in our digital world so much is free that tangible items of all kinds are valued souvenirs of a shared relationship.

It’s the reason why sports fans spend a fortune on memorabilia just to feel a stronger connection to a player or a team, and it’s why some of your customers buy from you.

Many of your customers are your customers simply because they feel a connection to your business.

They are your tribe, and their desire to be involved extends beyond the quality of your products and services.

Personalization is Differentiation

In markets where quality is so high that consumers cannot easily discern significant differences, the differentiators are the subtle personal qualities associated with your business that you can amplify with solid social media networking and marketing.

Focus on personalization to engage your community and earn their trust and loyalty – and you will sustain your business.

Most companies still in business have been effective with traditional marketing. However, the “look at me” and “buy me approach” is less effective in our present environment where the voices of socially engaged consumers are readily being heard.

How are you earning trust to build your tribe of loyal customers?

Leave a comment below to share your thoughts.

Until next time, Jeff

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