Nudge the Needle to Grow

Have you ever made a decision to not make a change because you were afraid the result would unfavorable?

After all, why take a chance on making something work a little bit better when it’s just fine right now?  This often applies to our approach to technology, doesn’t it?

The simple truth is the world is changing as it always has, and every change you make is a stepping stone for both running a better business and enjoying a better life.

Most people who resist change do so because they believe it is the safe thing to do, when in fact the opposite is true.

Change isn’t the problem, it’s the solution.

This Memorial Day here in the United States is one of remembrance, reflection, and celebration of many things, including the lives and accomplishments of those who served our country, as well as family and friends who support us – at least that is what I have observed from hundreds of  Facebook posts.

Holidays take you out of our day-to-day activities, thereby creating a space for reflection that open up the potential for positive changes.

Let’s take a look at how you can apply this to running a better business in the face of new technologies that may be just as challenging for you as they are me.

Are You Stuck in the Same Groove?

Those of us who happen to be older than a teenager know the meaning of the phrase “it’s a broken record.”  This of course refers to when the needle on the turntable that plays vinyl records (which were primitive versions of CD’s) gets stuck in a groove.

The result is hearing the same short sequence of words or music again and again until one gives the needle a nudge to the next groove.

This is a metaphor for how many of us live life – we are all stuck in some way and need to find a way out to progress to the next level.

What is the one quality that makes one successful with social media?

The conventional wisdom is that you must be good with technology. Really? This is an excuse for the real reason for not engaging online – the fear of being on this global stage.

It’s a rationalization for staying in the same groove, that safe little world you know well. It’s easy to blame technology, because for the most part many others are doing the same.

Fear is something we all share – it has no boundaries, including age. Reflecting on and using the memories of your past successes and failures alike is the secret to breaking free of them.

If you really want to grow your business you have to accept the fact that we are living in a digital world that is moving online.

It’s time to become an active part of it if you expect your business to grow.

Give Your Needle a Nudge

Getting into the groove can be a good thing as long as it serves you well.

It’s human nature to fall into conditioned patterns. If you you are operating a business, your systems are ideally created from the patterns that served to create your best successes.

When I am consulting or coaching clients I make an effort to help them remember the successes that they may have forgotten, because embedded within them are the best practices that are naturally their best way to grow.

The first challenge is remembering – taking notice. The next one is giving the needle a nudge – implementing new practices based on previous successes, many of which were the result of responding to earlier failures.

I’ve started to make some changes in my business and the results have been amazing.

The specific actions I am taking are not as important as remembering to invoke the mindset that anything is possible if you take some kind of action. Even wrong actions lead to results if you are examining the results and changing course as a result.

So, when you start the week tomorrow, first remember what you learned on reflection. Then take action.

Make a Copy and Give Change a Try

In this digital age you can always save a copy of just about anything and go back to the old way if you so desire. So, where is the risk in trying new methods?

There are a lot of businesses that need more business, mine included. Here are some of things I’ve been trying that have  met with success.

  • Experiment with technology
  • Change the structure – get paid in new and different ways
  • Reduce or raise pricing (enough to be noticeable)
  • Give more for the same price – before, during, and after the sale
  • Be more open and honest to encourage new responses
  • Use the phone instead of email
  • Prepare like crazy
  • Find ways to make it fun (More on this tomorrow)
  • Stop in the middle of your normal routine and reflect

How about you?

What are you doing to grow and adapt to our changing business environment?

Think about this. If you were drowning and didn’t know how to swim could you somehow learn how to get to shore? 

I’m confident you would find a way (because I’ve done it – twice) – and oh how sweet it feels on the other side! That’s how this works.

Now apply that mindset to technology or whatever groove in your life needs a nudge.

Let your voice be heard via a comment below – or just share this with your favorite social community using the share buttons  below. 

Until next time, Jeff

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