Google Gives Authors of Original Content the Spotlight

“We know that great content comes from great authors, and we’re looking closely at ways this markup could help us highlight authors and rank search results.”

This is a quote from Inside Search – the official Google Search blog.

Originality is Art

Authors are artists.  They provide unique perspectives that make online content worth reading, listening to, or watching.

Everyone is an artist if they are willing to share their expertise and originality.  Google is now encouraging this by giving authors the recognition that they deserve – regardless of where that content is profiled.

As Mashable author Ben Parr points out, “The new highlighting places a picture of an author to the right of an article he or she has written, along with a link to his or her Google Profile.”

All of this is consistent with Google’s efforts to give the creators of original content the recognition they deserve, which presumably will encourage them to create even better content worth sharing with those searching for it.

Welcome to the  Democratization of Media

What is emerging is the democratization of media – with both the source of the content and the media outlet sharing the spotlight.

Google is interested in indexing the best original content that can be shared in search results.  Now they will be providing an incentive for experts in every field to step forward and make the effort to share what they know.

Will you be one of them?

Expertise is Differentiation

Consider this.  When price and product-service offerings appear to be equal, the tie-breaker can be your reputation as an industry expert.

To help you accomplish this objective of sharing your expertise, Google is now giving you free PR.

In every industry there are plenty of experts.

Will you be the one that steps forward?

As with everything Google, this will take a while to rollout.  Nevertheless, Google has already noted that they will be accessing your Google Profile to locate this content.

So dust off your Google Profile and start creating more original content.

Then just be patient and the spotlight will indeed shine on you and your small business.

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Until tomorrow,  Jeff

Photo Credit: Photo Gallery