Workflowy is Your Mobile Productivity Tool

There are many cloud-based tools for managing your productivity – but Workflowy is one that is nicely optimized for your mobile device.

My experience with productivity tools is they are short on features or too complicated.

Simple tools allow me to make a list. Complicated tools capture tons of information that I am challenged with accessing when I most need it.

Limited Choices Keep You Focused

When there are too many choices people tune out. As the expression goes, “A confused mind says no.”

Workflowy allows you to easily create category lists and add items to that list. For many that is enough. Though if you want to add a note to one of your items – that is also easily accomplished.

Focusing on your most productive or useful categories creates focus – and that makes for a better list.  

Workflowy suggested I add a Goals list – so I did. Having that front and center along with my daily to-dos reminds me to focus on what matters most – whether it be personal or business.

Flexible and Shareable Lists Save Time

Lists are created sequentially. The number of lists grows over time, and before long you become overwhelmed.

If you look at the graphic above you will notice the yellow arrow. When you mouse over that area within WorkFlowy it will activate crosshairs that allow you to easily rearrange your lists according to what is currently most important.

If you just mouse over that bullseye indicated by the blue arrow you are presented with choices to add a note, complete a task, share the list, and export or delete a task.

When you click on it the list expands to reveal all of the action items.

Note my Opportunties bullseye is blue in color. This means I have shared the link to this list with my staff.

So, if you are collaborating on a project you can share the list and give your team permission to just view or  also edit the list.  

That is a time saver that eliminates unnecessary emails, while also transcending time zones.

Keep Your Action Items Alive

One thing I really like about WorkFlowy is I can circulate my action items and keep them alive.

For example, I had an article due this week that was postponed due to circumstances beyond my control. So, I pushed that item from my Content Creation list into my list for next month – giving me more focused time with my most relevant projects.

Does anybody work through a list from top to bottom? I doubt it.

For those of us that work on deadlines, WorkFlowy is invaluable. It enables you to gracefully adjust to the inevitable changes in your business and life.

I could tell you more, but the best way for you to determine if WorkFlowy is right for you is to give it a test drive.

One especially nice feature about WorkFlowy that you will discover is it is optimized for mobile. Just open it in the browser of your mobile device and you can manage your lists just as you can from your computer.

Productivity on-the-go. Nice, huh?

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Until tomorrow,  Jeff