Facebook Marketing – The 16% Solution?


You just launched your Facebook business page and are excited that you have crossed the threshold of 100 fans.

How many of them do you suppose will see your next post?  About 16.

That’s right. Facebook has acknowledged what many of us have known for quite some time – and they have even quantified it.

Only 16% of those who Like your Facebook page will see what you publish in their newsfeed.

According to Advertising Age, most of what you share on your Facebook page will never see the light of day. Believe it, because it’s true.

And that 16% is only your potential – with the true reach being much lower.

Thus, a conversation on Facebook is like one in a crowded bar, where your audience is distracted by any number of influences, including their state of mind.

Start Warming Up to Google+

Facebook uses their EdgeRank algorithm (mathematical formula) to filter content – theoretically to enhance the user experience by putting only the most relevant content ones their newsfeed.

Yet, if someone Likes your page, it stands to reason they want to receive your updates. Nevertheless, the only way to reach most of your Facebook page fans is to invest in Facebook ads.

Surprisingly, regardless of your spending, your potential reach is limited to about 75% – according to Facebook.

This is precisely why the in-the-know crowd has gravitated towards Google+.

Google also uses algorithms to determine the content that is most relevant for those performing a search. The difference is it’s a fair fight, so to speak. Unlike Facebook, Google does not block any of your content. Rather, they use their algorithms to determine what gets sent to whom.

Is Your Business the Perfect Solution?

Think of it this way. The web is like a crowded room. Google will only introduce you to those for whom they believe you can potentially provide value.

Facebook, on the other hand, specifically blocks you from 84% of those in the room – regardless of the value you have to offer.

When you invest in Google ads they will make personal introductions, something that you can achieve on your own via organic search. In contrast, Facebook compromises organic search – using ads to open doors that they have intentionally closed.

Do you see the difference?

Google keeps the doors open – with their ads opening them even wider.

Facebook closes doors – that can only be (partially) opened with their ads.

Which one will you choose?

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Until next time,  Jeff

Photo Credit: David Castillo Dominici