Podcast and Audio Book Content are Engaging Mobile Communities

 Jeff Korhan in the studio recording Built-In Social with Audible.com

Jeff Korhan in the studio recording Built-In Social with Audible.com

It seems that education, entertainment, and inspiration in all audio formats is absolutely the rage these days.

Why is audio suddenly so hot? There are a number of reasons, with the most obvious being the access to this content that smartphones and other mobile devices provide.

There are well over a million (probably closer to two million) smartphones activated every day. Add to that the fact that consumers are addicted to checking their mobile devices for relevant news and information.

The power of audio content is its immediate human connection. The human voice is unique and engaging, and that is valuable for authors and show hosts that seek to develop memorable relationships with their communities.

This is one reason every blogger should consider launching a podcast, and why every author should personally record the audio version of their book.

While video obviously has its merits, audio is more forgiving and easier to work with. Video requires proper lighting, more sophisticated technology, and better presentation skills. Whereas, audio only asks that you have a clear voice, quality mic, and basic conversation skills.

That’s not too much to ask, is it?

Let’s take a look at the two most popular forms of audio content, podcasts and audiobooks, and how you can leverage them to engage a community and grow your business.

Podcast Content Marketing

We are a mobile society that spends considerable time moving from one place to another. This may be commuting, exercising, or navigating our personal or local business environments.

Some people use their mobile devices to listen to music, but entrepreneurs and small business types often use mobile to acquire education or inspiration for running a better business.

Mobile is the domain of podcasts that teach and inspire. They give tips and advice that keep you focused on what matters most – your business.

Your customers and prospects are also searching for ways to improve their business or personal situation. Blogging is invaluable for accomplishing this, with your podcast engaging those who are always on the move – and that is the majority of your community.

I personally listen to podcasts during my morning walk and occasional commutes. What I have discovered is there is not enough content to fill those voids.

This is the opportunity for every small business that serves a distinct niche. The best content is targeted and specific to a defined and often local community, so we need your contribution.

My Small Business Podcast Launch

I will be launching my podcast on November 1st after building an inventory of interviews in the weeks prior.

If you are a small business with an interesting story that will help your peers, complete this form to be considered for an interview.

To learn more about podcasting I suggest the following resources.

Audio Book Content Marketing

There are millions of books out there that simply do not get read for lack of time. This why audio books are exploding as invaluable sources of content for those of us that travel extensively.

If you have a book you can record the audio version in a matter of days. All you need is a studio, a good engineer, and a personal commitment. David Newman provides invaluable tips for ensuring it success.

I recorded my new book in four days – and I learned a lot in the process. Ideally, you should record your book standing up to fully engage your energies and liberate your personality. Here’s a sample.

There are many voice experts that could technically do a better job of recording my book. Yet, they lack one vital ingredient for engaging the audience – being the author of the content.

Your audiobook is an opportunity to make a personal connection with your community.

Accents and speech habits that are not technically correct serve to make that human connection. In short your audience wants to hear from you – the author whose heart and soul is embedded in those words!

Build and Share Your Audio Platform

When you connect with your community via the human voice you make emotional connections that are very much like a live presentation. The occasional flaws humanize you and your brand, thereby making the experience far superior to a studio version.

Consider this. Your podcast is a platform for helping other to spread their message. This makes it a great opportunity for making new connections and engaging with influentials within your space. My experience is they will return the favor by introducing you to their audience.

Unlike other mediums, preparing for an audio interview is often a matter of just showing up. If you attract guests that are passionate about their story and give them proper guidance, you are assured of delivering energizing content that will engage an audience by consistently delivering value.

So, consider getting in the game now. There are millions of blogs, but only a few hundred thousand podcasts. The opportunity is yours for the taking.

Please consider filling out this form to be considered for my small business podcast.

I look forward to learning more about you and your business, and helping you accomplish your goals and objectives.

About the Author:  Jeff Korhan, MBA, helps mainstream small businesses create exceptional customer experiences that accelerate business growth. Get more from Jeff on LinkedInTwitter and Google+.

Jeff is also the author of Built-In Social: Essential Social Marketing Practices for Every Small Business – (Wiley 2013)