Get to Know Your Marketing Angels and Demons

When you are creating marketing content for your small business there is a demon on one shoulder and an angel on the other.

The challenge is determining how that devil is working against you – and the angel for you.

In other words – what do they represent when it comes to your creative process

Your Marketing Demons

Do you sweat the details in your work?  If so, you are a perfectionist like me. Our demons keep telling us our work is not good enough.

They slow us down and refuse to allow us to get our work out there where it can benefit our communities.

What are your demons telling you?

Your Marketing Angels

There are hundreds of thousands of book titles published every year, with most of them never selling more than a few hundred copies.  Why?  To be perfectly honest, they fall short in many areas – often starting with a title that fails to inspire.

Nonetheless, there are also many books that sell well despite being hastily written to get to market quickly.  This often includes the work of celebrities, or shall I say the books that ghostwriters pen for celebrities.

Ah, but regular folks like you and me need to create quality content.  And even when we do, it doesn’t guarantee success.  Though, it at least it gives us a chance.

If your challenge is creating written works, podcasts, videos, and other marketing content that is up to generally accepted standards, then your angel is the one that nudges you to make it better before publishing.

Are you noticing the distinction?

Demons and angels are defined by our natural tendencies. 

It’s up to us to then use them to get better at engaging our full capabilities to best help our community.

Know Your Tendencies

Your demons and the angels are a reflection of who you are.

If your tendencies lean towards perfectionism, your angels are guiding you when you are in the zone and your writing is flowing effortlessly. When that is not the case, your demons are in control.

If your usual mindset towards your work is that done is good enough, then your angels are guiding you when you take the extra time to make it better and worth consuming.

Perfectionists are like alcoholics.  We are never cured.  We just learn to adapt and overcome our natural tendency to have everything just right.

Visionaries like Steve Jobs understand this, which is why he surrounds himself with those that can transform that vision into a physical reality.

If this describes you, your challenge is to trust who you are and deliver – just as Apple does.

What’s the opposite of perfectionism? I’m not sure. Though, I know it is also not without its challenges.

Whether it involves your content marketing efforts or anything else in life, your demons are angels in disguise, and vice versa. 

Honor them both and they will lead you right where you want go.

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Until tomorrow,  Jeff

Photo Credit:  DigitalArt