The Crowded Bar Test

The crowded bar test is a simple method for determining the best words or phrasing to communicate an essential message – especially in distracting environments or circumstances where attention spans are short, which of course is most of the time in our fast-paced business environment.

Memorable is More Important Than Meaning

Whether you are launching a new venture or repositioning your business for changing market conditions, you may be wondering how to choose the right domain name for your new website. Believe it or not, the meaning attributed to your domain is less relevant than it was in the early days of the web – now its all about being memorable.

This week I had a strategy meeting to restructure my primary website (this one) to accommodate changes in my business model, as well as optimizing for a world that is increasingly mobile. I work with John Hawkins at 9Seeds for my website development. When we started working together a couple of years ago, I asked John about the meaning behind

It turns out there is no meaning at all. 9seeds happened to be a name that passes the crowded bar test. It is short and uniquely curious, which makes it memorable.

Can you say that about your web address?

Opportunities Only Matter If you Are Prepared

Imagine scoring a high profile radio interview, one in which you are asked during the closing seconds how the thousands (or millions) of listeners can learn more about your business.

Are you prepared for opportunities like this?

One way to do so is to apply the crowded bar test to those most frequently asked questions – the ones that if answered well will propel your business forward, and maybe launch it into the stratosphere.

A few questions you should be ready to capably respond to may include the following:

  • What’s the best way for our audience to reach you? – Do you have a site that is fresh and readily referred via a memorable domain?
  • How can our audience learn more? – Do you have an offer for engaging and monetizing the interest of new prospects if they come your way?
  • Can you give a typical example of a company that has benefitted from your (research, work, product or service)? – Have you prepared a success story and obtained the necessary permissions for sharing it with an extended audience?

What are some other questions?

As you know, there are many. It all depends upon your industry, business, and clientele.

It comes down to this.

You have to anticipate so you are prepared to participate when opportunities present themselves.

That opportunity may present itself in any number of business environments – or in a crowded bar.

It doesn’t matter if you get a big break if you aren’t ready for it, does it? Not many of us will have a chance to appear on Oprah. Nevertheless, there are foreseeable opportunities that could make a big difference for all of us.

What are they, and what should you be doing to prepare for them?

I’ve got a few I am working on.  How about you?

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Until next time, Jeff

Photo Credit: glennharper