My Book Writing Project Launch – Know Your Audience and Yourself

How This All Started My friend and the recognized self-publishing expert Dan Poynter, better known as The Book Guy, is known for saying everyone has a book inside of them.  I know I do, and I'm going to prove it over the next couple of weeks. That's right, weeks. While I have yet to put […]

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How to Score at Trade Shows and Conferences Using New Media

Trade shows and conferences are time-honored business events that are presently experiencing significant challenges.  In this tight economy, attendance at many events is down, and some are questioning whether we should reinvent the format, or even if we should have them at all.   The forces of social media are influencing how adults want to […]

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What is Social Media? It's Inviting

As I polish a few presentations I will be presenting at a conference later this week (see tomorrow's post for new media rules for trade show and conference) — I once again have to pay respect to that question that will be on the minds of at least 50% of the audience members:  What is […]

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The Marketing Law of Least Effort

If you are still pounding out electronic newsletters, better known as ezines or enewsletters, then you need to consider that you are violating The Marketing Law of Least Effort.  Here's The Law: The Marketing Law of Least Effort: Least effort always leads to the best result. When you send an ezine, it takes some effort […]

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Sales and Marketing Leadership: Exploit the Gap

It is human nature to work hard to improve.  The challenge may determining where to apply your efforts.  If you focus on your most important actions, you will make progress. However, every entrepreneurial marketer knows the juicy opportunities, the ones that nobody is presently serving, lie within the gaps between the worn out ruts of […]

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Speed Blogging – How to Write in Layers

If you are looking for a way to speed up the creation of quality blog posts, consider writing in layers.  The idea is to first get the framework of your post together.  Then you write it, shape it, color it, polish it, and finally dress it up for the audience you are targeting.  I was […]

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Full Disclosure Blogging Revisited – New FTC Guidelines

On Friday, October 9th I made a post about the practice of disclosing affiliate partnerships and relationships on your blog.  That post was the result of some observations of things on blogs and social media sites that have been bothering me, and as it turns out, the FTC – Federal Trade Commission has been studying […]

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Trust Your Community – Start in the Middle

Occasionally I see comments on the social media networks that read something like this.  "Full disclosure – Bob is not just a good friend, but an investor in my company."   What are we supposed to make of that? Affiliations and partnerships are a productive means for maximizing results with social media marketing, and are a […]

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Digging Into Customer Behavior to Build Market Relevance

Going back more years than I care to admit to, when I was studying for my MBA, I began a fascination with how and why people buy. In college I learned the foundation of market behavior, but I later learned to always trust my gut, which is backed by invaluable observations and analysis from real, […]

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